Visual composer is a drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that equips you with more than 40 elements (also called shortcodes) to design your page with ease. In addition to these predefined elements, Landmark has extra 27 ones helping you to create many desirable pages. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Landmark tab, Properties tab and Agent tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcodes to any pages or posts for your own use
♣ Row settings includes:
• General:
Using Container: if you check this box, container`s width will be 1170px.
Row stretch: In our demo, we set Default in this section. Besides Default, you can select Stretch row, Stretch row and content, stretch row and content (no paddings). If opting these ones, the whole content in Red row 2 will disappear when it is shown on the site.
Full height row: when you tick this box, row will be set to full height.
Use video background: If this box is checked, video will be used as row background.
Parallax: There are three options for you:
None: image without parallax effect
Simple: image with parallax effect. It means that the image will move when you let the mouse scroll on it
With fade: image with parallax effect but move effect of the image is not as clear as that of Simple style.
Note: Two options Use video background (tick this box) and Parallax (Simple and With fade) will avail in some cases. For example, if font color is white and you do not use video background or Simple/ With Fade Parallax then visitors of you site may find it difficult to read white words and phrases. You know, white words on white background. No one can figure out those words in this case!
Design Options:
CSS box: you can change width of padding, border and margin here
Background color: opt color for background hereBelow background color section, you will have an option to upload the background image and opt styles of background image: theme default, cover, contain, no repeat and repeat.
Cover: Scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area will be completely covered by the background image. Some parts of the background image may not be in view within the background positioning area.
Contain: Scale the image to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the content area.
No repeat: Size of the image will not change when it is placed in background area.
Repeat: Size of the image will also be as same as that of the original one; however, then many replicates of this image will be established in background area
- Properties Shortcodes
♣ Advanced Search Property
This is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Page
Show Map: Choose between Yes and No
Title: Enter title here
Sub Title: Enter sub title here
Option 1 – 8: Select an option in the drop-down list to be displayed in the advanced search box
Text more: Enter text here
Text Button Search: Enter text here to give a name to the button
♣ Recent Property
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Enter a sub title here
Style: Choose a style in the drop-down list
Number Row: Enter number of row here
Number Column: Enter number of column here
Property Status: Choose property status in the drop-down list
Property Type: Choose property type in the drop-down list
♣ Single Property Featured
Title: Enter title here
Sub title: Enter sub title here
Select property featured: Select featured property in the drop-down list of properties
Caption: Enter Caption here
♣ Single Property
Title: Enter title here
Description: Enter short description here
Content box: Each box has Icon, Title and Content field to fill in
♣ Single Property Detail
Title: Enter a title here
ID Property: Enter Property ID here
URL Video: Enter Video URL here
Background Image: Upload an image here
♣ Single Floor Plan
Title: Enter title here
Description: Enter description here
Image: Upload an image here
Content box: It has Title, Content, Link Download amd Content Features field to fill in
♣ Single Property Map
ID Property: Enter Property ID here
Height: Enter height of the map in pixel
♣ Single Property Banner
Image: Upload an image here
ID Property: Enter Property ID here
Choose Style: Choose between 2 styles in the drop-down list
2. Agent Shortcodes
♣ Single Agent
Choose an agent: Choose an agent in the drop-down list
♣ Single Agent Contact
Choose an agent: Choose an agent to receive message from the contact form
♣ Noo Agent
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page
3. Landmark Shortcodes
♣ Noo Hotline
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Enter a sub title
Phone number: Enter phone number here
Image: Upload a image
♣ Noo Service
Title: Enter title here
Sub title: Enter sub title here
Choose Style: Choose a style in the drop-down list
Columns: Choose number of column in the drop-down list
Content Box: Each content box contains Icon, Service Title and Service Content to fill in
Button Title: Give a name to the button
Link button: Enter URL here
♣ Noo Testimonial
Choose Style: There are 2 styles to choose from
Use Navigation: Tick box to use navigation
Use Pagination: Tick box to use pagination
Choose Header: There are 2 headers which are Icon and Image
Icon: Choose an icon
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Testimonial Per Page: The number of testimonials is shown per page
Auto Play: Tick box to enable Auto Play Testimonial
Show Name: Tick box to show Name
Show Position: Tick box to show Position
Caption: Enter a caption
♣ Noo Blog Masonry
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Data source: Data can be taken from three sources which are category, tags and posts
Categories: Select blog categories here
Show Category Filter: Tick box to Show category filter
Layout Style: There are two styles Creative and Classic to choose
Columns: Enter number of blog column
Order By: This option handles display order of blog posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Choose Style Pagination: Choose in the drop-down list
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page
♣ Noo Partner
Partners: Each content has Logo, Name and Website field to fill in
Logo: You can upload an image here
Name: Enter partner’s name here
Website: Enter website URL of your partner
Items: The number of items you want to display
Rows The number of rows you want to display
Auto Play: Select Yes so that the slider can run automatically
Slider Timeout: Enter milliseconds of the slider here
♣ Noo Mailchimp
Title: Enter a title
Sub title: Give a short description here
Image: You can upload image here
Note: In order that Noo Mailchimp can function properly, you will need to install and activate Mailchimp For WordPress plugin. Then you will paste these codes into Admin panel> Mailchimp For WordPress> Forms> Fields
<input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required />
<input type="submit" value="subscribe" />
♣ Noo FAQ
Title: Enter Title here
Sub Title: Enter sub title here
Open FAQ: Choose Show or Hide
Title: Give a title here
Description: Enter description here
♣ Noo Progress
Image: Upload an image
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Progress Bar: Each bar has Label and Value field to fill in
♣ Noo Video
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Background Image Video: Upload an image
URL Video: Enter URL of the video here
♣ Noo Blog Slider
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Data source: Data can be taken from three sources which are category, tags and posts
Categories: Select blog categories here
Auto Play Slider: Choose Yes or No to enable auto play slider mode
Layout Style: There are two styles Creative and Classic to choose
Columns: Enter number of blog column
Order By: This option handles display order of blog posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page
♣ Noo Gallery
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description
Order by: Choose in the drop-down list: Latest, Oldest, Alphabet, Ralphabet, Random
Limit Images For Gallery: The number of images displayed in Gallery
♣ Noo Ads Banner
Image: Upload an image here
Content: Give a short text here
Button: Insert or edit link here
♣ Noo Pricing Table
This shortcode is used to create Pricing Page
Featured Item: Enter number of the Package
Button Text: Enter text for button here