Now when users sign out of the site, they will be redirected to homepage. So if you want lead them to another page, you can follow this instruction.
Please add the following codes to function.php located in childtheme:
Please add the following codes to function.php located in childtheme:
add_filter('logout_url', 'new_logout_url', 999999, 2);
function new_logout_url( $logout_url = '', $redirect = '' ) {
$redirect_to = !empty( $redirect ) ? $redirect : '<your logout url>';
$args['redirect_to'] = urlencode( $redirect_to );
return esc_url( add_query_arg($args, $logout_url) );
Note: The order of line can change based on each updated version. Therefore, you should find the code according to keywords in files we give you.