Forum Replies Created
2 years, 3 months ago in reply to: How can I output “Introduce Yourself (Optional) field” from profile on resume? #1219480This reply has been marked as private.2 years, 3 months ago in reply to: How can I output “Introduce Yourself (Optional) field” from profile on resume? #1219478
I copied the file "file: /wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/resume/single/detail-style-2.php" into my child theme but didn't do anything.
Anyway, as I said even on the site you can access doesn't completely solve this issue. Only 1 resume has personal bio information printed out of 5.
Could you please keep investigating?
I understood.
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: How can I output “Introduce Yourself (Optional) field” from profile on resume? #1219475This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Thanks Jackie for the explanation. I understood.
Please mark your comment private or delete this topic entirely as your comment contains the private URL that I didn't want to disclose to the public view. I know it wasn't your intention.
Thanks for your understanding.Thank you for your reply with the solution!
It works! I am closing the ticket.2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: It doesn’t output “resume-description” when you turn Resume Print Option ON #1219456Thanks Jackie,
Description is now output but the hobby, phone number and address are not printed (email address is printed).Please check it.
And finally, it would be great if you could tell me which file you modified (to make it happen) so that I can upload the file to my other site. As I told you the site you are looking at is only for you to test. Sorry for the inconvenience.
NOTE: This post is related to other post (
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: How can I output “Introduce Yourself (Optional) field” from profile on resume? #1219455Thanks a lot Jackie, I checked and the descripiton was output! However, it would be great if you could tell me which file you modified (to make it happen) so that I can upload the file to my other site. As I told you the site you are looking at is only for you to test. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Also please note (from other thread but related), when you press "PRINT" icon, hobby, phone number and address are not printed, although description is printed (email address is printed).
Please check it.
Could you investigate one of the theme elements called "Register User"?
When I setup, all the contents inside the div will be empty.Demo content import displays it fine but as soon as editing inside and update will make it empty.
Thank you.Thank you for identifying this!
Yes, the job duration was set insanely large number. I didn't have to make that much though there was a reason why I did so.
Basically, I didn't want to set a limit there.
The reason being is on this website, employers are not actually many different employers but just a few staff (from a single organization) acting as coordinators posting jobs and being in touch with job seekers.
Anyway, it solves the issue now thanks to you. I will close the ticket.
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: I have my own PO file but it wasn’t created from POT but en_US.po #1219439Thank you very much for your reply and clarification Jackie.
Now I close this ticket.Could you take a look at this issue as well? This is a theme bug too.
Could you give me your support? This is a critical issue. It is going to be 10 days since I reported this first time.
Are you following up with this?
The fatal error is still occurring.
Please duplicate and repost.You can edit yes.
But to publish, you have to repost right?And by the way, the closing date does not matter here. You said making closing date mandatory but it should not be that way. If that is true, that is also a theme bug....
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: How can I translate “search by candidate” placeholder text? #1219416Thank you very much.
#4 >> Yes it is working as intended now
#3 >> I learned that this is browser language dependent so I will ignore. I use English OS and anyone who use Japanese environment output Japanese.
I am signing out this topic.
Register User Element I am talking about is this. See the attached.
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: Cannot edit again when seting revo slider as background in Advanced Search #1219411Thank you for your support. It is working now;)))
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: Carousel causes screen to move to top of page on slide change #1219410Yes, now revo slider can be used as an alternative thanks to you.
So I don't need to use image slider.I can close the ticket but maybe you may want to keep it open because it still is a theme bug.
Unless you remove image slider from the option, some users still want it fixed.This reply has been marked as private.2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: Cannot edit again when seting revo slider as background in Advanced Search #1219404This reply has been marked as private.2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: I have my own PO file but it wasn’t created from POT but en_US.po #1219399Thanks Jackie.
I solved this by myself.
After downloading POT File to my local computer and used PO Edit to open my ja.po file.
Then selected menu option "update from POT" file. >> I selected POT file and merged and updated my ja.po file.I upload the ja.po file onto remote loco translate folder. It looks like all fine now because I could also translate "About Us" section. (This was from other post).
I still thank your input here as I didn't know en_US.po does not include full translatable strings from POT file.
In the future I will make sure to get the update from original POT file whenever the theme has got update. Then my ja.po should be fine I believe... Am I correct?
2 years, 4 months ago in reply to: How can I translate “search by candidate” placeholder text? #1219398Hi Jackie,
Thank you for your support!!
The thread is getting messy so I re-organize it.1. Search by candidate >> SOLVED after merging update from POT file
2. No matching records found (filtered from xxxx total entries) >> SOLVED after text update in datatables.min.js
3. Login Text >>> NOT ADDRESSED
4. Please fill out this field TEXT >>> NOT ADDRESSED would be great if you could follow up #3 and 4.
I am sorry Jackie,
I don't understand what closing field means. Could you explain to me little more clearly?
Are you talking about job closing date?
If you are talking about closing tag, I have no idea as I didn't modify any code there. This is about fatal error you encounter by pressing duplicate or repost.
There is no section to make them mandatory or such...
Did you follow the error.txt I attached? (error code - ignore the /xxxx/ path)
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getTimestamp() on bool in /xxxxx/wp-includes/functions.php:202 Stack trace: #0 /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/job/admin-job-list.php(275): date_i18n('Y-m-d', '73896875563080') #1 /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(309): jm_admin_job_list_columns_data('job_closing') #2 /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #3 /xxxxx/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /xxxxx/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php(1349): do_action('manage_noo_job_...', 'jo in /xxxxx/wp-includes/functions.php on line 202