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and how can I create one? I need lateral menu with the contact and more pages...
and I can not use more menus with this header style? I need other menu for others page
Great! only one more, could you change the backgorund color when the mouse hover is over the box PAGAR CON TARGETA? The correct color is #429774
Best regards
1. Ok thanks, I will do it
2. I dont see the image of the product
3. Correct! thank you
I still see it same
I want like this one, without blank:
Ok, you have move custom CSS and now its empty, I have unconfigured all. I dont know what I have to do, I have copy all CSS but now I have unconfigured some things, for example:
1. All I have done with Loco Translate was erased.
2. I dont see in movile version the Product simple.
3. The text of sale products is too big.
Its better but is not perfect:
Could you check it please?
I have add two images but I have more errors in the homepage on mobile.
Best regards
I have check and I see its only ok in variable products but not in simple products.
Its possible that this text turn to firt letter in capitakl letter and rest in normal letter?
Ok, but the background color is changed and I dont see the CSS, could you change it please?
This is the color that I want #66bc99
Best regards
thanks but what is the css code please?
Best regards
<h1 class="product_title entry-title" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Muli, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; margin: 0px 0px 16px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.2; color: #212121; clear: none; padding: 0px 150px 0px 0px; text-transform: uppercase;">ZANAHORIA SONORA product too</h1>
ok thank you so much, and I can move down "Añadir al Carrito" the share box? And to resize the SHARE (Compartir) text?
You can see the mistakes if you enter
The web site it doesnt fit weel. If you scroll right there is a back ground withe.
The slide is diferent than in the deskop version. Not same colours, unconfigured letters...
In the product simple slider only appears one product.
The other product simple it doesent appears the main image.
Suscription box is aling very left and it doesent see well.
allright, and whem I put the mouse over the text?
Sorry, my web is:
Sorry, I talk about simgle product full width without sidebar and description box in full width.
ok, and now I wish hide the sidebar
oh, I have just do it!
Ok thanks, and if I want hide the image?
Yes I have reduced tge PHP version to 7.3 you can look in the add