Forum Replies Created
We have checked and fixed that issue on your site, you need to change the Order data storage option to WordPress post storage to fix the issue.
Now it works fine, you can select the free job package.
Please recheck it.
We have checked and fixed that issue on your site, you need to change the Order data storage option to WordPress post storage to fix the issue.
Now it works fine, you can select the free job package.
Please recheck it.
Can you share the file with Google Drive? It doesn't allow attach rar files.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi.
Thank you for contacting us.
The expired job will change status to expired, that is why the job URL will change to
To avoid that issue, you can keep the expired job status as activated. Please go to this file: /wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/job/job-expired.php line 43 and remove the add_action add_action( 'noo_job_check_expired_jobs', 'jm_job_expired_cron_action' );
This will help you avoid changing the expired job status to expired.
Please recheck it.
We will check and update the Noo Company widget to help you get the company by location or category.
Please wait for us.
I think you can create a custom field Email for each job like this:
Then you can use that field for the new button as you want.
To create that field, you need to edit the source code in this file: /wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/job/admin-job-edit.php underline 83 add the source code:
array( 'id' => '_email_custom', 'label' => __( 'Custom Email', 'noo' ), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __( '', 'noo' ) ),
To get the value of the custom field on the job, you can use the source code below:
$email_custom = noo_get_post_meta( $job_id, '_email_custom', '' );
I hope that can help you.
Sorry for the late response.
1. We don't have the option to group the company, you only can add the category to each company.
2. We can help you orderby random for the company listing, please go to this file:
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/admin/noo_company.php line 629
and change the source code
$query->query_vars[ 'orderby' ] = 'title';
$query->query_vars[ 'orderby' ] = 'rand';
and comment the line 630.
Please recheck it.
To display the sidebar on the top of the job archive page, you can edit the source code in this file:
and add the source code under line 20:
<?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-main'); ?>
This code is used to get the Main sidebar to the top of the job archive page. You can use it with another sidebar slug.
Please recheck it.
I have checked and updated the last version 3.7.2 on your site. I also helped you fix the issue with the noo box element.
With that version, the property details gallery is works fine.
Please recheck it and let us know again if you still have the issue.
Thank you for contacting us.
I have checked your site with Schema Pro, the plugin doesn't add the schema value to the job details. You should contact the plugin to ask about that issue. Why don't adding the schema field to the custom post type?
Thank you for contacting us.
The new resume will be displayed first on the resume archive page when the user adds a new resume.
This is the current logic with our theme. If you are using the cache, please recheck it.
To redirect the expired job page to the homepage, please edit the source code in this file:
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/job/single/detail.php line 37, under the "This job has expired!" message, add the PHP code below:
<?php wp_redirect(home_url()); ?>
Do the same if you want to add the source code for another details style page.
Thank you for contacting us.
If you want to have the contact button for all the job details page, you can edit the source code on this file:
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/job/single/detail.php line 91
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/job/single/detail-style-2.php line 270
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/job/single/detail-style-3.php line 173
wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/layouts/job/single/detail-style-4.php line 171
under the endif code, you can add the custom code below for the button.
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#yourlink" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><?php echo esc_html_e('Contact Us') ?></a>
Please recheck it.
Thank you for contacting us.
To display multi-type of the job type, please go to Jobmonster/ Custom fields/ Job/ and select file type multi for the job_type field.
Please recheck it.
This reply has been marked as private.Thank you for your feedback. Yes if you need help, please let us know again.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi.
I have checked your site. The wp-admin URL still works fine.
Mabe you have fix that issue.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi.
Thank you for contacting us.
If you want to limit the resume category view for the company, you can edit this file to query the resume for the archive. Check the function: jm_resume_pre_get_posts() on the file below.
With the company information, it has a category field, so you can use that field to filter the Resume category.
I hope that can help you.
1. I have checked the front-end job submission, and the address field is still able to search the location:
2. For the search widget, please use the "Job Advanced Search" widget, then you will see the search button.
3. I have helped you configure the search map page.
Please recheck it.
Thank you for contacting us.
I see the ticket has mark resolved. The issue is when you have more columns, please check the screen options to hide some columns.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private. -