Yogi allows you to create membership packages with different price, duration and features.
To create a membership package, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Navigate to Products in your WordPress admin sidebar, click Add New to create a new product.
- Step 2: Enter title of your membership then scroll down to Product Data section and select Membership Package to set it as a membership package, which will not appear in your shop page later.
- Step 3: When you set the product as Membership Package, you will have certain membership settings.
Price:the price of membership
Duration: duration of membership counted by days
Sub-title: the sub-title such standard, premium will be displayed on top of membership package
Package Features: those features will be displayed in the body of each membership package in membership pricing table.
- Step 4: All done, save and Publish.
Note: In Products section, there is a Star icon and if you mark this, the product will be considered to be a featured one. This is also true of membership package. When a featured package is created, it will be displayed distinctively on the page. In our demo, we suppose the monthly membership package is featured. As you can see, this package will be more distinctive than other ones when they are shown on the page.
So when you view layout of packages displayed on our demo site, you may ask us if it is possible to change order of products or packages when they are displayed on the site. For instance, you want to place the Monthly membership into the first position, in front of Single Class. The answer is Yes.
Navigate to the row below Products > click Sort Products. This action will bring the result you desire. Subsequently, when you move the mouse to areas of products, you can see an icon constituted by up, down, left and right arrows. Now please press the left button of the mouse and drag the product to a new position you want. Do not forget to click Apply button at the bottom of the page. Finally, return to the site to check whether the product or package is displayed in the right place or not.