- Step 1: From Admin panel, navigate to Customizer => Footer, set the footer column number from dropdown list. Number of columns can be from 1 to 4. You also can select None to leave it blank (no footer content).
- Step 2: To add widgets into footer, you can opt to add in Customizer => Widgets tab directly or come back to Admin panel => Appearance => Widgets
- Step 3: In Customizer => Widget, you will see number of Noo – Footer column #i tab corresponding to number of columns you select in step 1. In each tab, hit Add a Widget button and choose Widget from widget list.
If you add widget in Appearance => Widgets, you will see Noo – Footer Column #i widget section on the right hand side. Your widgets are located on the left hand side. Simply drag and drop the widgets you want from the left side into the sliding bar widget sections on the right side.
- Step 4: Don’t forget to save changes after you customize any widget in footer.