Tag line: reveals a brief description of the site
Site icon is an image viewable in browsers for users to identify your website among many tabs. Please remember that the icon must be square and at least 512px wide and high. See the illustrative image to better understand function of the site icon. After choosing the image , you will click Save and Publish. Then when you come back to your site, you will see an image displayed on the tap of your website. It is clear that by dint of the this icon, you can distinguish your website`s tab from other tabs more easily.
Site icon is an image viewable in browsers for users to identify your website among many tabs. Please remember that the icon must be square and at least 512px wide and high. See the illustrative image to better understand function of the site icon. After choosing the image , you will click Save and Publish. Then when you come back to your site, you will see an image displayed on the tap of your website. It is clear that by dint of the this icon, you can distinguish your website`s tab from other tabs more easily.