There are 6 tabs in Property settings. They are:
1. Property
Property Archive base: Enter slug for Properties page
Area Unit: Enter a unit here, for example, m2
Currency: Choose a currency for the price of properties
Thousand Separator: Enter the mark that separates groups of thousands.
Decimal Separator: Enter the mark that separates the integer part from the fractional part of the price number.
Number of Decimals: the number of digits that follow decimal separator.
2. Agents & Membership
Only Show Agent with Property: If this box is ticked, agents that have at least one published property will be shown in Agent listing
Membership Type: Select a type by ticking a circle. It can be No Membership (agents created by admin can still submit properties), Free for All users, Membership packages or Pay per Submission.
• No membership: Select this if you don’t wish to enable property submission from frontend. Adding Property and Agent is implemented in the admin site; therefore, only admin and those who have accessed to the backend can submit property.This type of membership is suitable for an agency’s site or an individual agent’s site.
• Free for all Users: Registered users are free to submit property without making any payment and there is no limitation in property listing.
Select this membership type if your site is a free listing portal, or if you use another WP plugin that allows charging user at registration.It can also be used for agency’s site if you restrict user registration so that only your agents are able to log in and submit property from frontend.
• Membership Packages: When this option is checked, there will be extra options like:
Enable Freemium Membership: by dint of ticking this box, it will automatically allow newly registered users to own Free package:
Number of Free Listing: the number of properties agents/users are permitted to submit
Unlimited Listing: Tick this box if you want agents to be able to submit an unlimited number of properties.
Number of Free Featured Properties: This option places a limit on the number of Featured properties
Membership Listing page: Choose a page on which membership packages will be shown
• Pay Per Submission: Ticking this box will bring to you the following options:
Price Per Submission: This is the price agents will have to pay when they submit a property
Price for Featured Property: This is the price agents will have to pay when they set a property to be Featured one
Submitted Property need approve from admin? You can choose Yes, all newly added and edited property/ Yes, but only newly submitted property/ Don`t need admin approval.
Custom Login page: Choose a page that will become a Login/ Register page in the drop-down listTerms and conditions Page: Choose a Terms and Conditions Page here. This section will be shown in Register Form

Note: Only when one of the next three Membership types is checked will the last two options, including Submitted Property need approve from admin and Custom Login Page, be displayed.
3. Contact & Email
Custom Property Contact Form: Choose a contact form that will be displayed on Property page. You can select None form or a form you created with Contact Form 7 plugin (in our demo, this form was named “Property Contact”)
• The contact form must include the fields: [your- name], [your – email] and [your- message]
• You can use the following tags in the email of that form: [property-id], [property-name], [property-url], [agent-id], [agent-name] and [agent-url]
Custom Agent Contact Form: similar to Custom Property Contact Form, this option also allows you to select the Default Contact form (None form) or Contact Form 1 which was created with Contact Form 7 plugin. Here are two types of form displayed on Agents page:
• The form must include the following fields: [your – name], [your-email], [your-message]
• You can use the following tags in the email of that form: [agent-id], [agent-name], [agent-url]
CC All Property Emails to: If you enter an email address of admin here, the admin will also receive CC emails when visitors of the site send a message to Agents.
4. Advanced Search
This is a section in which you can customize the search filters and Advanced Search fields.
There are 8 possible filters. You can change parameter from the dropdown. To disable a filter, select None.
The Advanced Search Field allows searching by Amenities. Select Amenities from the dropdown.
5. Google Map
Google Maps API: Enter an API key here so that the map can run well. You can refer to our documentation:
Starting Point Latitude/ Longitude: Enter a latitude and longitude of the location firstly loaded on the map you want. You can go to this site to get latitude and longitude of the corresponding place
Default Zoom Level: Set up a default zoom level
Automatically Fit All Properties: Enable this option so that all your listing will fit your map automatically. Sometimes, the above options will become invalid
Default Map Height: Set up a default Map Height here
Drag Map: Tick this box so that you can drag the map.
Map Background Image: this background image will be shown before the process of loading map is complete