1. Settings
This section provides you with settings of 11 parts that contain: Jobs, Resumes, Job Application, Job Packages, Company, Member, Emails, Messages, Location, Indeed and Job Alert.
1.1. Jobs
- Job Archive base (slug): you can set the Job listing page slug
- Jobs Display: click the blue link “Customizer” to change job layout or displayed sections
- Job Approval: tick this box then all newly submitted jobs must receive approval of the Admin
- Enable Cover Image: Allow employers to change cover image of each job
• Default Job Content: Input or change the default content for job description section
• Job submission condition: You can change content for condition with which employers will have to agree before they submit the job posting - If you are not using Woo Commerce for job posting package, you can configure setting for Job Submission here: Job Limit (the number of jobs an employer can post), Job Duration (the number of days during which job listing is displayed), and Job Featured Limit (the number of featured jobs an employer can set), Reset Counter Every (Reset Counter will allow employers to re-post jobs after using up limitation. Input zero for no reset). Remember to click Save Changes button to save your settings.
1.2. Resume
From version 3.0, there are some major changes to Resume settings.
Enable Resume: in case, you do not tick this box. When candidate login to their account, they will not be able to post resumes. Moreover, Manage resume section will also disappear
If you check this box, you will have options such as:
Resume archive base (slug): Enter slug of the page that display resume listing.
Max Viewable Resume: The maximum number of viewable/ searchable resumes set by each candidate. Set 0 so that all resumes will not be viewable; however, you will still be able to use resume for job application. set -1 in order that all resumes will be viewable
Who can view and search resume: there is a drop-down list of groups who can view resume: All logged in Employer, Employers bought One Premium ( not free) Job Package, Employers bought a specific Job Package (you will have to set up the right job package) and Everyone
♣ Note:
All logged in employers: After logging into the site, all employers can view resumes
If you select Employers bought one premium (Not Free) Job Package, there will not be settings to View Resume and View Candidate Contact in Pakages. By default, employers who buy packages except Free Package will be able to view Resumes and Candidate`s Contact.
Meanwhile, if you select Employers bought a specific Job Package (you will have to set up the right job package). You will have extra settings to View Resumes and Candidate`s contact.
Everyone: All visitors can view resumes.
Show Candidate Contact on Resumes For (Select how you want to show the candidate contact on Resumes): There are five choices which are All users who can view Resumes, Logged in Employer, Employer bought a Premium (not free) Job Package, Employers bought a certain Job Package (you will have to set up the right package) and No-one (candidate contact is always hidden; however, employers who received resumes in job application can still see the contact.
Resume Posting Mode: There are 2 options here. They are Free for All candidates and WooCommerce Resume Package. If you select Woocommerce Resume Package, please see the settings in Packages tab.
Enable Upload CV: tick this box then candidates will have an option of uploading their attachment.
Allowed Upload File Types: You can add file types here. Yet, remember that you are not allowed to add dot (.) in front of each extension and space behind comma (,).
Enable Education, Experience, Skill and Video: Tick all these boxes to display Education, Experience, Skill and Video of candidates
Show Video: The video can be shown in front of or behind the content.
1.3. Job Application
• Enable custom application link: if you tick the second option, Yes, on the dashboard then the admin can insert a link into Custom Application Link when he add a new job. When applicants click Apply for Job button, they will be directed to that link to apply.
If you choose the third one, on both dashboard and frontend then both employers and admin can incorporate the link.
• Limit application to member: If you only allow candidates who logged into the site to apply for jobs, tick this box.
Notice that if you tick this box, the Apply for Job button will not be shown to employers. Moreover, you will have
• Resume Selection (For Member): Choose Enable or Disable
• File Attachment: Select Enable or Disable
• Allow Multiple Attachment: If you tick this box, candidates can choose many files and upload at the same time
• Require attachment or resume: If you check this box, it will require candidates to upload a resume or an attachment to apply
• Enable Captcha Job Application: Check this box to avoid spam
• Apply with Linkedin: Jobmonster allows candidates to apply for job via Linkedin. In this tab, check/uncheck the Allow apply with LinkedIn box tin enable/disable the feature. You need to enter API key and Secret key of Linkedin to make this feature work. Applying via Linkedin also comes with Cover letter field. Set it as required, optional or hidden. Click Save Changes button to save your settings.Get your API key by creating a new application on https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
Get your secret key by creating a new application on https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
• Cover Letter field: This option is related to Cover letter section in Apply via LinkedIn form. There are 3 choices in the drop-down list: Optional (the cover letter is optional), Required (the cover letter is required) and Hidden (the cover letter is hidden in the form)
1.4. Packages
- Job Package Page: In this tab, you can assign the package page which displays all the job posting packages. Select the package page you created from Package Page dropdown list then click Save Changes button to save your settings. You can find how to create a package page in PAGES section > Create Package Page.• Job Package category (optional): Choose a package category which wil be shown
- Allow re-purchase free package: enable this option if you allow employers to purchase the free package more than one time
• Refer ro this link to know how to create Job Package Page
Job Package Page
•Resume Package Page: In this tab, you can assign the package page which displays all the job posting packages. Select the package page you created from Package Page dropdown list then click Save Changes button to save your settings. You can find how to create a package page in PAGES section > Create Package Page.
•Resume Package category (optional): Choose a package category which wil be shown
• Allow re-purchase free package: enable this option if you allow employers to purchase the free package more than one time
1.5. Company
Companies Archive base: You can set Companies page slug
Show Company With No Job: Check or Uncheck to Show or Hide Company which does not have any posted job.
Enable Cover Image: Check this box to allow Employers to change Cover Image that will be used on a company`s page and be the default image for its jobs.
1.6. Member
Member Manage Page: opt Member page to make personal frontend Dashboard work properly.
Member Page Title Show: Select Page Title (for example, name of member page is Member, it will show this title when a user logs into the account) or Current user`s name.
Use Member page as WordPress login/register: If you enable this option, all login links, including /wp-admin will be redirected to Member page. Meanwhile, as you uncheck this box, you will have a type of login like this one:

Who can register?: There is a drop-down list of groups who can register accounts. Group can be Both Employer&Candidate, Only Employer, Only Candidate. Moreover, you are also able to choose an option called Disable Register.
Enable Captcha on Registration: tick this box to enable Captcha which helps to prohibit spam
Hide Admin Bar: Tick this box to hide Admin Bar for users. Yet, efficiency of this selection is only applied to users who will register their account right after this box is checked.
Terms and Condition Page: Choose a page in the drop-down list so that “I agree with the Terms of use on Registration form will be shown the page.
Require Email Confirmation: If this box is checked then users have to confirm email to complete registering
Enable Login using Email: This option will replace user name with email of the user for login
Enable Social Login: Tick this box so that users can login via facebook, Google and LinkedIn.
Facebook/Google/LinkedIn API: Insert API you obtained after following available instructions in these options. Paste both Application ID and Secret into these sections
1. 7. Email
• Email attachment: if you tick this box, uploaded file in resume will be attached in the email sent to employers.
• From email: enter an address from which emails are sent. You should leave it blank if you use a plugin of the third party to send email.
• From name: enter a name so that recipients can know who sent these emails
1.8. Indeed
Indeed options:
♣ Publisher ID: To show search results from Indeed, you will need a Publisher ID that is a 16 digit number. To obtain the ID, follow the following steps:• Create an account• After registering successfully, login to your Indeed account > go to the XML Feed Tab• Navigate to Sample Request section then you will see your Publisher IDFinally, copy and paste the ID into Publisher ID box.
♣ Generate XML: when you generate an XML feed, your jobs will be exported to Indeed. Therefore, this action assures that those jobs will be included in Indeed`s listing.
♣ Enable Indeed integration: tick this box to allow Jobs taken from Indeed to be displayed on your site
♣ Job keywords: You can enter many terms to search jobs from Indeed and can also search for multiple terms at the same time on the condition that you have to type “or” between these ones. The default terms are ANDed. Yet, in order that Indeed jobs search result can work properly, we recommend you should type one keyword here.
♣ Job location: Enter a location to search for job from Indeed
♣ Job type: there is a drop-down list of job types. The list contains Full time, Part time, Contract, Internship and Temporary
♣ Job country: Choose a default country to show jobs from (enter a country code here, for example, us is corresponding to United States)Consult https://ads.indeed.com/jobroll/xmlfeed for a list of supported country code
♣ Page to show Indeed Jobs: you can choose many pages to show by ticking boxes.
♣ Show Company Link: Tick this box to show link of the company for Indeed jobs. However, it may take longer time to load jobs
♣ Integration mode: You have two choices of mode. When you opt Random, you will not see further options. Yet, if your preference is Before and After, you will continue to complete the two following sections:
♣ No. Indeed jobs before: the number of jobs from Indeed is shown above your job listing. Leave blank or set to 0 to disable.
♣ No. Indeed jobs after: the number of jobs from Indeed is shown after the last page of your job listing. Leave blank or set to 0 to disable.
1.9. Job Alert
Note: Here are two requisite conditions which ensure that candidates can receive job alert emails:
• In Job Alert Form created by candidates, there is a section called Keywords. Words you type here must appear in title of Job or/and Job description section of the posted job.
• With at least one visitor going to your site, it helps to make sure that job alert will act.
1.10. Messages
Apply Job Message: Tick this box so that the conversation can start when a candidate applies for a job
Approve/Reject Message:tick this box so that the conversation can start when an employer rejects/approves a job application.
Employers can start conversation with: Choose a group with whom employers can start a conversation
Candidates can start conversation with:Choose a group with whom candidates can start a conversation.Show Send Message on Candidate Profile: This option serves display of Send Message button in Candidate`s contact information section shown in each resume. There are 4 choices which are No (Send Message will not be shown in all cases), For Private Contact ( Send Message will be shown if contact information is private), For Public Contact (Send Message will only be displayed if Contact information is public) and For All Candidate Contact (Send Message will be shown in all cases)Note: For Private/ Public Contact is also influenced by your settings to Show Candidate Contact on Resumes For in Resumes tab
Front End PM settings: These settings help you to make changes to some display in Message section of the site.
Max messages a user can keep in box: The maximum number of messages is kept in message box of a user. If you set 0 here, it will not place a limit on the number of messages in the box. Meanwhile, there is a unlimited number of messages that can be stored in box of Admin.
Messages to show per page: The number of messages is shown per page. Do not set this to 0.
Maximum user per page in Directory: This option places a limit on the number of users displayed in Directory.
Time delay between two messages sent by a user in minutes: This one helps prevent spam activities of the user. It is time during which a user has to wait for sending the next message. If you set it to 0, it means that there will not be delay for sending messages. Admin does not postpone sending messages by default.
Block Username: If any users are entered here, they will not be able to send messages.
Custom CSS: This section helps you to design the display of messages.
Editor Type: Choose a kind of editor in the drop-down list.
Minimum capacity to use messaging: Leave blank so that all users are entitled to give messages. You can ignore this one because settings are inserted into Jobs > settings.
Allow to send attachment: Tick this box so that users can send attachment. Then you will have two extra options: set maximum size of the attachment and maximum number of attachment (set it to 0 if you do not want to restrict the number of attachments.
Valid email address for “to” field of announcement email: Enter an admin email.
The remaining options contain:
Send email to all users when a new announcement is published
Hide Directory from Front End
Hide Auto Suggestion when typing recipient name
Disable “send new messages” for all users except admins
Hide site wide notification in Header
Hide Branding Footer
Remember to Click Save Options after you change settings.
1.11. Location
Google Maps API Key: Input a google map API key here so that the map can be loaded well on your site. You can refer to this link to know how to get an API key https://nootheme.com/knowledge-base/get-google-maps-api/
Allow User Input: Check this box so that users can add new locations when they post a job
Enable Google Auto- Complete: Tick this box to use Auto-Complete from Google Map for your location input
Country Restriction: If you select a specific country in the drop-down list, this will limit suggestions when users type locations in Add New Location Section. Leave it blank to use all the locations around the world
Location Type contains 4 options:
Administrative regions: This one allow you to enter street, district, city and country
Cities: the location is limited with cities
Establishment (Business location): Name of a specific location
All Address Information: detailed information of the address
2. Custom fields
2. 1. Job Custom fields
Step 1: Click Add buttonStep 2: Enter Field Key, Field Label, Field Type (this option has a drop-down list of field types like Text, Number, Text area, select, Multiple select, Radio, Check box), Field Value.
Step 3: Choose After Description or Before Description in Show Custom Fields section
Step 3: Save changes
• Here is display of Field Types on the site
Text: allow you to type texts
Number: allow you to type number
Textarea: you can type texts here. Yet, its difference from Text is that it has more rooms for you to complete.
Select: It will give you a drop-down list of values entered in Field Value. You are only allowed to opt a value in this list.
Multiple Select: It also has a drop-down list; however, it lets you be able to select many options
Radio: It will allow you to choose a value if you check a circle corresponding to that value
Checkbox: Select a value by ticking a square
• Values entered in Field Value should be separated by Enter
• If you want to add these fields to job search in Jobsidebar of Jobs page, please follow these steps:
Navigate to Appearance> Widgets> drag Job Advanced Search widget on the left side to the Job Sidebar on the right side> click the triangle icon on the right of the widget> Enter title > opt Job in Search Post Type > opt Yes or No in Enable Keyword Search> Search position# has a drop-down list of search fields, it is up to you to select those fields > Save.
Then go to Customizer > Job > Postlist > opt With Left or Right Sidebar in Joblist Layout > select Jobsidebar in Job List Sidebar > Save and Publish.
♣You can delete or hide fields with turning Disable on or clicking on Delete
♣When you search jobs according to new custom fields that have many values (for example, Experience Level, Academic Degree, etc) in Job Sidebar, the new fields will only be shown if there is at least one job posting that contains these fields.
♣ You can change position of custom fields included in Post A Job form with dragging and dropping custom fields in Admin dashboard
2.2. Resume Custom Field
Step 1: Click Add buttonStep 2: Enter Field Key, Field Label, Field Type (this option has a drop-down list of field types like Text, Number, Text area, select, Multiple select, Radio, Check box), Field Value.
Step 3: Choose After Description or Before Description in Show Custom Fields section
Step 3: Save changes
• Here is display of Field Types on the site
Text: allow you to type texts
Number: allow you to type number
Textarea: you can type texts here. Yet, its difference from Text is that it has more rooms for you to complete.
Select: It will give you a drop-down list of values entered in Field Value. You are only allowed to opt a value in this list.
Multiple Select: It also has a drop-down list; however, it lets you be able to select many options
Radio: It will allow you to choose a value if you check a circle corresponding to that value
Checkbox: Select a value by ticking a square
• Values entered in Field Value should be separated by Enter
• If you want to add these fields to Resume search on Resume sidebar of Resumes page, please follow these steps:
Navigate to Appearance> Widgets> drag Resume Advanced Search widget on the left side to the Resume Sidebar on the right side> click the triangle icon on the right of the widget> Enter title > opt Yes or No in Enable Keyword Search> Search position# has a drop-down list of search fields, it is up to you to select those fields > Save.
Then go to Customizer > Resume> opt With Left or Right Sidebar in Resumelist Layout > select Resume sidebar in Resume List Sidebar > Save and Publish
2.3. Company (Employer) Profile Fields
Here you can add profile fields to Company profile section.
The way you add fields is similar to adding Job and Resume fields. You will complete Field Key, Field label, Field Type, Field Value, select Mandatory fields or delete/hide fields.
You can also add or remove Social Network fields.
2.4. Candidate Profile Fields
3. Quick Setup
You will see 2 tabs which are Quick Setup and Import Demo
♣ In Quick Set Up
Themeforest Purchase Code: You will enter Code to get the automatic update function of Jobmonster theme
Required Pages: make sure that after you install Jobmonster theme, you will correct all these page listed in this section.
♣ Import Demo
You will click on Install Demo button to import Jobmonster demo data