Here is the image of shortcodes used to create Home Slider page:
1. Red Row 1
2. Red Row 2
• It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
• The column comprises a Noo Search shortcode. This one only has an option that is Description (Give a short description here)
• The column comprises a Noo Search shortcode. This one only has an option that is Description (Give a short description here)
3. Red Row 3
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is three columns
• Each column includes a Noo Service shortcode with Center Style
• Each column includes a Noo Service shortcode with Center Style
4. Red Row 4
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a Tabs shortcode. After this one is created, two Section shortcodes will be generated automatically. Title of Section 1 is Upcoming Events and title of Section 2 is Featured events
• The column contains a Tabs shortcode. After this one is created, two Section shortcodes will be generated automatically. Title of Section 1 is Upcoming Events and title of Section 2 is Featured events
• Add Noo Events shortcode to Section 1 12. Noo Events
• Add Noo Events Featured to Section 2 14. Noo Events Featured
5. Red Row 5
6. Red Row 6
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a Noo Testimonial shortcode
Row settings:
• The column contains a Noo Testimonial shortcode
Row settings: