1. Red Row 1
2. Red Row 2
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains a Noo Product Banner
Noo Product Banner settings:
Select Style: There are 2 styles which are Style 1 and Style 2.
Image At Top Banner: You can upload an image which is on top of the banner
Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a subtitle
First Button, Second Button: These options will only be available when you are partial to Style 1. Enter title and URL of the buttons
Button: This one will be available if you choose Style 1
Column settings:
♣ The first column contains a Noo Product Banner
Noo Product Banner settings:
Select Style: There are 2 styles which are Style 1 and Style 2.
Image At Top Banner: You can upload an image which is on top of the banner
Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a subtitle
First Button, Second Button: These options will only be available when you are partial to Style 1. Enter title and URL of the buttons
Button: This one will be available if you choose Style 1
Column settings:
3. Red Row 3
♣ It has a Row shortcode of which style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains a Single Image shortcode
♣ The first column contains a Single Image shortcode
♣ The second column includes 2 Row shorcodes. Style of these Rows is 2 columns. Each column contains a Single Image shortcode
4. Red Row 4
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns
♣ Each column comprises a Noo Product Lookbook
Image of Model: Upload an image of model
Click + icon to add sections. Each section contains the following options:
Select Show Style: There are 4 display styles which are
1.Top To Bottom: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown above the + icon.
2. Bottom To Top: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown below the + icon.
3. Left To Right: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the left side of the + icon.
4. Right To Left: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the right side of the + icon.
♣ Each column comprises a Noo Product Lookbook
Image of Model: Upload an image of model
Click + icon to add sections. Each section contains the following options:
Select Show Style: There are 4 display styles which are
1.Top To Bottom: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown above the + icon.
2. Bottom To Top: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown below the + icon.
3. Left To Right: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the left side of the + icon.
4. Right To Left: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the right side of the + icon.
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
5. Red Row 5
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Product shortcode 17. Noo Product
♣ The column contains a Noo Product shortcode 17. Noo Product
6. Red Row 6
♣ It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Product Banner shortcode 20. Noo Product Banner
♣ The column includes a Noo Product Banner shortcode 20. Noo Product Banner
7. Red Row 7
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Noo Blog Grid shortcode 3. Noo Blog Grid
♣ The column comprises a Noo Blog Grid shortcode 3. Noo Blog Grid