Here is the image of shortcodes used to create Home Services page:
1. Red Row 1
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Revolution Slider
Widget Title: Enter a title here
Revolution slider: select Home slider
• Revolution Slider
Widget Title: Enter a title here
Revolution slider: select Home slider
2. Red Row 2
• It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
• Noo Title 1. Noo Title
• Noo Title 1. Noo Title
3. Red Row 3
4. Red Row 4
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4)
• Each column is a Noo Why Choose Us shortcode
2. Noo Why Choose Us
• Each column is a Noo Why Choose Us shortcode
2. Noo Why Choose Us
Display of Red Row 2,3 and 4 on Home Services:
5. Red Row 5
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4)
• Four columns comprises 4 Noo Counter shortcodes with different titles.
Noo Counter setitngs:
Import Number: Enter a number here
Tile: Enter a title here
• Four columns comprises 4 Noo Counter shortcodes with different titles.
Noo Counter setitngs:
Import Number: Enter a number here
Tile: Enter a title here
6. Red Row 6
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns (1/3+1/3+1/3)
• The first column is Noo Title 1. Noo Title
• The second one is Text Block
• The last one contains Text Block and Noo Button 7. Noo Button
• The first column is Noo Title 1. Noo Title
• The second one is Text Block
• The last one contains Text Block and Noo Button 7. Noo Button
7. Red Row 7
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Service shortcode 4. Noo Service
• Noo Service shortcode 4. Noo Service
Display of Red Row 5,6 and 7 on Home Services page:
8. Red Row 8
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column. The column contains the following shortcodes:
• Noo Title
• Text Block
• A row shortcode whose style is 3 columns (1/3+1/3+1/3). Each column is a Noo Pricing shortcode:
Title: Enter a title here
Price: Enter price
Button name: give a name to the button
Button link: Add link of the button
Content: Enter items whose price is the one you have just entered in Price option
Background Style: There are two available background colors that are White and Gray.
• Noo Title
• Text Block
• A row shortcode whose style is 3 columns (1/3+1/3+1/3). Each column is a Noo Pricing shortcode:
Title: Enter a title here
Price: Enter price
Button name: give a name to the button
Button link: Add link of the button
Content: Enter items whose price is the one you have just entered in Price option
Background Style: There are two available background colors that are White and Gray.
Display of Red Row 8 on Home Services Page:
9. Red Row 9
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Blog 8. Noo Blog
• Noo Blog 8. Noo Blog
10. Red Row 10
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/2+1/2)
• The first column is Noo Testimonial shortcode 19. Noo Testimonial
Column settings:

• The first column is Noo Testimonial shortcode 19. Noo Testimonial
Column settings:

• The second column is composed of Noo Title and Noo Client shortcode
1. Noo Title, 12. Noo Client
Display of Red Row 10 on Home Services page:
11. Red Row 11
12. Red Row 12
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Custom Form 7 shortcode
Choose Style: The style is Style One or Style Two. If you pick the first one, you will have fewer options:
Title: Enter a title
Select contact form: Opt a contact form you created in Admin panel> Contact Form.
Yet when you vote for Style Two, you will have further options:
Number: Enter a number. If the number has more 2 digits, please separate them with space so that the number will not hide the title when they are displayed on the site.
Background: Select a background image
• Noo Custom Form 7 shortcode
Choose Style: The style is Style One or Style Two. If you pick the first one, you will have fewer options:
Title: Enter a title
Select contact form: Opt a contact form you created in Admin panel> Contact Form.
Yet when you vote for Style Two, you will have further options:
Number: Enter a number. If the number has more 2 digits, please separate them with space so that the number will not hide the title when they are displayed on the site.
Background: Select a background image
13. Red Row 13
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Newsletter
Title: Enter a title
Subscribe Text: Type subscribe texts here
Subscribe Mail list: This option shows what you completed in List name section when you had created a List in Mailchimp
Style: Full-width or Boxed. The Style handles measurements of Newsletter section. Full-width give larger measurements while the opposite belongs to Boxed style.
Background: Upload a background image here
Note: Learn more about our Mailchimp Instruction
• Noo Newsletter
Title: Enter a title
Subscribe Text: Type subscribe texts here
Subscribe Mail list: This option shows what you completed in List name section when you had created a List in Mailchimp
Style: Full-width or Boxed. The Style handles measurements of Newsletter section. Full-width give larger measurements while the opposite belongs to Boxed style.
Background: Upload a background image here
Note: Learn more about our Mailchimp Instruction