Here is the image of shortcodes used to create Home page:
1. Red Row 1
• The column contains a Noo Count Down shortcode:
General options:
Choose Date: The date in which the event will take place
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Button Style: There are three styles that are Scroll down to the bottom, Button Link (choose this one then you will have two extra options: Button Name and Button Link) and Hide Button.
Design Options:
Background Style: Choose Parallax, Slider or Video Youtube
If it is Parallax, you will have further options:
Parallax: Upload an image
Overlay: Select a background color
Height Style: Opt Full Screen or Custom Height
If your interest is Slider, Parallax option is replaced with Slider which also allows you to upload an image. The two remaining options of this Style are as same as those of Parallax.
if you partial to Video Youtube,it will give you options:
Youtube Link: Incorporate a link
Auto mute: Opt On or Off
Background Youtube:
Height Style: select Full Screen or Custom Height
Countdown options:
Text Days/ Hours/ Minutes/ Seconds:
Hide Days/ Hours/ Minutes/ Seconds
Display of Red Row 1 on Home Page:

2. Red Row 2
• Each column contains a Noo Service shortcode
Style: Select Left, Center or Center Small Icon
The first style, Left: The icon is to the left of service content
Center: Icon, content and title are in center
Center Small icon: Icon, Content and title are in center; however, the icon is smaller than that in Center style

Service Title: Enter a title here
Service Content: Give a short description
3. Red Row 3
• The column contains a Noo Events shortcode:
Icon: Click the arrow icon to select an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title
Sub Title: Give a short description
Categories Events: Select Event categories in the drop-down list.
Style: Opt List or Grid. If it is Grid, Events will placed in column and you will a further option called Columns (The number of columns is shown)
Order By: Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Show Date/ Location/ Excerpt/ Read More: Select Yes or No to Show or Hide these items
Limited: This option restricts the number of displayed events
Height of featured image: set height of the featured image
Button name: Give a name to the button
Button Link: Enter a link here
Display of Red Row 3 on Home page:

4. Red Row 4
• The column contains a Noo Events Featured
Icon: Click the arrow to choose an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Give a short description here
Style: Opt List, List Background Image or Grid. In our demo, we select List Background Image style
Order By: Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Show Date/ Location/ Excerpt/ Read More/ : Select Yes or No to Show or Hide these items
Limited: This option restricts the number of displayed events
Height of featured image: set height of the featured image
Button name: Give a name to the button
Button Link: Enter a link here
Display of Red Row 4 on Home page:

5. Red Row 5
• The column contains a Noo Recent News shortcode
Icon: Click the arrow icon to select an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title
Sub Title: Give a short description
Categories Events: Select Event categories in the drop-down list.
Style: Opt List or Grid. If it is Grid, Events will placed in column and you will a further option called Columns (The number of columns is shown)
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page
Show Excerpt: Opt Yes or No to show or hide Excerpt
Excerpt length: Excerpt is a short extract or a short passage taken from from the post. Length of the excerpt is determined by number of words. Therefore, if you opt a specific number like 20, the number of words contained in an excerpt will be equivalent to 20

6. Red Row 6
• The column contains Noo Testimonial shortcode
Icon: click the arrow to select an icon here
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Give a short description here
Style: There are three styles which are Style 1, 2 and 3
Testimonial per page: The number of testimonials is shown per page
Auto play: Opt Yes so that the slider will automatically play
Slider Duration: the time during which
Show name, Show position: Select Yes to show these items which are set in Admin panel> Testimonial
7. Red Row 7
• The column comprises a Noo Clients shortcode
Style: the style can be Default or Slider. If you have a liking for Default, you will have three extra options:
Upload images, Custom link (enter links for clients and those links are separated by Enter), Custom Link target (select where to open custom links: same window or new window). Yet, selecting the remaining style will make you complete two further options other than options above: Status Button (Show or Hide the button), Limited post of Slider (the number of posts situated on the Slider)
Note: After creating Home page, you will go to Settings> Reading > select A static page in Front Page displays > select Home page in the drop-down list of Front page > Save changes.