There are two special features of this page:
♣ To show the slider at the top of this page, you will need to choose Page Product Slider in the drop-down list of Template
♣ Besides, you will need to complete some options of Slider Config
Choose Categories: Select product categories that will be shown
Posts Per page: The number of posts is shown per page
Order by: The display order of products is based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Auto Play: Choose True so that the slider can automatically play and select False for the opposite case
♣ To show the slider at the top of this page, you will need to choose Page Product Slider in the drop-down list of Template
♣ Besides, you will need to complete some options of Slider Config
Choose Categories: Select product categories that will be shown
Posts Per page: The number of posts is shown per page
Order by: The display order of products is based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Auto Play: Choose True so that the slider can automatically play and select False for the opposite case
1. Red Row 1
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ Each column comprises a Noo Custom shortcode 11. Noo Custom
♣ Each column comprises a Noo Custom shortcode 11. Noo Custom
2. Red Row 2
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Product shortcode 10. Noo Product
♣ The column includes a Noo Product shortcode 10. Noo Product
3. Red Row 3
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Noo Purchase Custom shortcode 13. Noo Purchase Custom
♣ The column comprises a Noo Purchase Custom shortcode 13. Noo Purchase Custom
4. Red Row 4
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Blog Slider shortcode 5. Noo Blog Slider
♣ The column includes a Noo Blog Slider shortcode 5. Noo Blog Slider
5. Red Row 5
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode 8. Noo Partner
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode 8. Noo Partner