1. Red Row 1
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider 5 shortcode
2. Red Row 2
♣ The column comprises a Noo Title shortcode 10. Noo Title
♣ Row settings
3. Red Row 3
4. Red Row 4
♣ The first column includes 2 Noo Information shortcodesGeneral options:
Icon: Upload an icon
Number: Enter a number
Title: Enter a title
Description: Give a short description
Color: Choose a color for title and number
Position: The position of title, number and description. It can be Left or RightDesign Options:
CSS box: you can change width of padding, border and margin here
Border color: Choose a color for the border
Border Style: Opt a border style in the drop-down list
Border Radius: Choose a border radius in the drop-down list
Background color: opt color for background here
Below background color section, you will have an option to upload the background image and opt styles of background image: theme default, cover, contain, no repeat and repeat.
Cover: Scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area will be completely covered by the background image. Some parts of the background image may not be in view within the background positioning area.
Contain: Scale the image to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the content area.
No repeat: Size of the image will not change when it is placed in background area.
Repeat: Size of the image will also be as same as that of the original one; however, then many replicates of this image will be established in background area.
Title: Enter a title
Content: Add content
Background: Upload a background image
Signature: Display signature by an image
Name, Position: Enter name and position
Image bottom: Upload an image bottom
5. Red Row 5
6. Red Row 6
♣ The column contains a Noo Product Slider 23. Noo Product Slider
7. Red Row 7
♣ The column contains a Product Simple shortcode
Select Identificator: Input Product ID or Product SKU or product title to see suggestions
Background: Upload a background image
8. Red Row 8
♣ The column comprises a Noo Farmer shortcode 2. Noo Farmer
9. Noo Testimonial
♣ The column contains a Noo Testimonial shortcode 5. Noo Testimonial