1.Red Row 1
• It contains a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column is composed of a Noo Post Contact shortcode/element
Select Contact form: opt a contact form you created in Contact> Contact Forms
Include only: Add title and an extract of posts here. It is recommended that you choose a post to type here
Display of Red Row 1 on Home page:
2. Red Row 2
• It contains a row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/2+1/2)
• The first column is Single Image shortcode
• The second one includes the following shortcodes:
Noo Title:
Position Styles: this option controls position of the title. The style can be Left or Center
Choose color: Color of the title which is Black or White
Number: opt a number that will be placed next to the title. Notice that as for the number containing more 2 digits you should separate them by space so that the number will not hide the title when it is shown on the site.
Title: Enter a title here
Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/2+1/2)
Add Noo Why Choose Us shortcode to each column:
Choose Style: Your choice in this section will have an influence on the next options.
If you opt Style 1 then the following ones are:
Style Align: Left or Right. If it is Right, the first word of the Description will be moved to the right little. Meanwhile, Left style will let the first words in each line of the Description be aligned or they will be arranged in a straight line when you see them in vertical direction.
Choose Style icon: Font icon or Image Icon. If your preference is the first one then you will be given Choose icon section. Yet, your interest is image icon you can upload images in Choose image
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Type a brief paragraph here.
If you opt Style 2 , the upcoming options are Choose Style Icon, Title and Description
If you opt Style 3, the next options are Choose Style icon, Image hover (this option will act if you select Image icon in Choose Style icon), Title and Description.
Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/2+1/2)
You also add Noo Why Choose Us shortcodes to these columns in the same way above
Display of Red Row 2 on Home page:
3. Red Row 3
• Noo Save Your Money:
Choose Style: Style One or Style Two. The first choice is applied to Carle demo whereas the second one is used in Printing demo.
Title: Enter a title here
Content: Enter a content here
Background: select a background image
Icon: Upload an icon image
Button name: Give a name to the button, for example, Learn more button
Button link: Paste link of the button
4. Red Row 4
• The first column is Noo Title 1. Noo Title

Choose Style: Background or No Background. The first one let you complete the next two options are Button Name and Button Link. However, If you select the second one, you will have a further option called Choose icon.

5. Red Row 5
• Noo ServicesGeneral options:Categories Services: opt service categories hereOrder By: Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reserved AlphabetLimit: This option places a limit on the number of displayed servicesLimit excerpt: A number you enter here will be equal to excerpt length of each service post
Services options:Show categories/ Title/ Learn more: Opt Hide or Show hereChoose Style: The Style can be Slider Services or Column Services. If you vote for Slider Services, you will have the following options: Show pagination (Opt show or hide here), Auto play (opt Yes or No to decide whether or not service`s sliders will automatically played or not. If you are partial to the second choice then you will have an option named Size Services. The size of column is Large or Small.
Limited post of Slider: This option restricts the number of posts shown on each Slider. The number is 2, 3 or 4.
Display of Red Row 4 and Red Row 5 on Home page:
6. Red Row 6
• The column contains Noo Title, a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/2+1/2).
• The first column comprises 5 Noo List shortcodes
Noo List settings:
Choose Style: The style can be default or Border. If it is default, the Description will be displayed like this:
If it is Border style, when you let the mouse hover over Descriptions, you will find that they are underlined.
List active: Opting Yes will result in automatic display of Border style
Description: Give a piece of information here.
• The second column is composed of Text Block, two Noo Button shortcodes
7. Noo Button
7. Red Row 7
• It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
• The column contains a Single image shortcode
Display of Red Row 6 and Red Row 7 on Home page:
8. Red Row 8
9. Red Row 9
10. Red Row 10
• It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
• Tab shortcode
After this shortcode is created, sections will be automatically formed or you can add extra ones. In our example, we add 4 sections whose titles are New Products, Popular Products, Best Selling and Sale Products• Noo Woocommerce
General options:
Choose data: Opt an item in the drop-down list
Order by: Recent first, Order first, Title Alphabet or Title reserved alphabet
Post Per page: This option determines how many products are shown on the page
Slider options:
Show pagination: Choose Show or Hide so that pagination will be shown or hidden
Auto play: Opt Yes or No11. Red Row 11
• It has a Row shortcode of which style is one column
• Noo Blog
Choose Style: There are three styles for you to select: Slider One, Slider Two and Default. Slider One is used in Carle demo whereas Slider Two is used on Home One Page of Printing.
Number: opt a number that will be placed next to the title. Notice that as for the number containing more 2 digits you should separate them by space so that the number will not hide the title when it is shown on the site.
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
Data source: The sources are Posts, Tags or category.
Include Only: Add title of the posts which will be displayed on the page.
Order by: Recent First (the latest published date), Older First (The older published date), Title alphabet, title reversed alphabet.
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page.
Excerpt length: Excerpt is a short extract or a short passage taken from from the post. Length of the excerpt is determined by number of words. Therefore, if you opt a specific number like 15, the number of words contained in an excerpt will be equivalent to 15.Here is the image of Noo Blog with Slider Two Style displayed on Home One Page of Printing
12. Red Row 12
• Noo Team:
Number: opt a number that will be placed next to the title. Notice that as for the number containing more 2 digits you should separate them by space so that the number will not hide the title when it is shown on the site.
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Categories: opt a member category
Order by: Recent First (the latest published date), Older First (The older published date), Title alphabet, title reversed alphabet.
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per pageDisplay of Noo Team on Home page:

13. Red Row 13
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo clients
Style: the style can be Default or Slider. If you have a liking for Default, you will have three extra options:
Upload images, Custom link (enter links for clients and those links are separated by Enter), Custom Link target (select where to open custom links: same window or new window). Yet, selecting the remaining style will make you complete two further options other than options above: Status Button (Show or Hide the button), Limited post of Slider (the number of posts situated on the Slider)
Display of Red Row 13 on Homepage:
14. Red Row 14
• Noo Newsletter
Title: Enter a title
Subscribe Text: Type subscribe texts here
Subscribe Mail list: This option shows what you completed in List name section when you had created a List in Mailchimp
Style: Full-width or Boxed. The Style handles measurements of Newsletter section. Full-width give larger measurements while the opposite belongs to Boxed style.
Background: upload a background image here
Note:♣You should follow these steps to have Mailchimp operated on your site well:
Install and activate Mailchimp for WP> go to Mailchimp for WP section in your admin panel> paste these codes
<input type=”email” name=”EMAIL” placeholder=”Your email address” required />
<input type=”submit” value=”Sign up” />
into Forms section
♣ If you follow the above method to integrate Mailchimp with your site, you should ignore Maichimp settings in Customizer> Site Enhancement.