Home One Page is different from a normal Home page. So which features does it own to make itself distinguishable from an usual Home page? There are two important ones of Home One page of Chilli you should remember:
- No sooner have you scrolled the mouse down and let it pass the area of the slider than you can see Navigation bar.
- When you click on items of the menu, for example, About, it will go to the corresponding location on the Home One Page on which About is placed. This is totally different from Home page. After you click an item, it will direct you to another page link.
- In general, layout of parts displayed on Home One page is quite similar to that of parts shown on Home page. As a result, it is understandable that shortcode settings will not change much. Therefore, to avoid rehearsing instructions in Home page above, we will only point out some discrepancies in building Home One page:
Red Row 1
represents About Restaurant section shown on Home One Page:
- Revolution Slider: opt One Page Slider (to create One page Slider, please go to Revolution Slider and add a new slider with title One Page Slider) > Save changes.
- Row settings:
After reading the second distinctive feature of Home One Page, perhaps, you will have a question of the detail related to “When you click on items of the menu, for example, About, it will go to the corresponding location on the Home One Page on which About is placed”. The key to the issue will be found in Row ID section in General. It is Row ID that will bring About, Menu, Reservation, etc to their exact places on Home One Page. Yet, you have to make sure that Row ID is unique and valid according to w3c specification.
Thus, you can speculate that the major change of shortcode settings in Home One page belongs to Row ID section.
Please pay attention to this one:
After entering a Row ID, you will see a URL next to the icon ” + ” at the top of each Red Row. For instance, if row ID is home_one_page then URL will be #home_one_page.
Red Row 5
builds Our Services part
IMPORTANT:To create Onepage Menu, please do the following steps:
Step 1: Navigate to Appearance> Menus> click Create a new menu > give a name to the menu. In this case, you should call it Onepage Menu.
Step 2: Remember that all menu items of Home One Page are Custom Links. Thus, in the column on the left side, click Custom Links. Then you will see two boxes that are URL and Link Text.

URL must be what you entered in Row ID part of Row settings. More exactly, it must be URL that will be immediately generated after you type Row ID, with location of this URL being next to “+” icon mentioned above. Therefore, if you rename Row ID, you will have to make corresponding change to URL.
Link Text is name of the menu item.
Next, Click Add to Menu and the menu item will appear in Menu Structure area.
Step 3: In Menu settings, check One Page Menu box and click Save Menu.