Follow these steps:
♣ Error 1: Go to admin panel/Media/ add new to check memory capacity. If your memory limit is 2M then it will not allow you to upload. You will try using these two methods to install Visual composer plugin
1. Extract js_composer file and paste all files included in this file into this folder or you can paste them into FTP:
♣ Error 1: Go to admin panel/Media/ add new to check memory capacity. If your memory limit is 2M then it will not allow you to upload. You will try using these two methods to install Visual composer plugin
1. Extract js_composer file and paste all files included in this file into this folder or you can paste them into FTP:

2. Increase memory by modifying php.ini file
You can refer to this source:
♣ Error 2: If your site gets 500 error or visual composer can not be loaded, you will add the following code to wp-config.php:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');
Then you will go to Plugins> Add New> upload file> activate the plugin