1. Blog page
“Why does this page not have any shortcodes but it will still contain content when the page is exhibited on the site?”
You may be intrigued by this question. The reason is that you decided on Blog in above-mentioned Posts Page section. In this case, it takes all the latest blog posts originating from Posts in Admin Panel.
2. Blog Masonry page
♦ General:
Data source: There are various sources picked here. They are Post, Page, Attachment, Product, Product_variation,etc
Narrow data source: You can type kinds of source here. Kinds of source can be categories, tags or custom taxonomies.
Total items: This option places a limit on the number of items in grid. You enter -1 to display all; however, it will be limited to 1000 items.
Display Style: Show all, Load More button or Lazy loading. The first one allows all posts to be displayed on the page. The second, next posts will be shown after you click Load More button. The last one, as soon as you scroll the mouse down to a position, posts will be loaded and displayed immediately.
Items per page: number of items shown per page
Show filter: If you click Yes then function of filtering according to categories.
Grid elements per row: select number of grid elements per row
Gap: select gap between grid elements
Order by: Date, Post ID, Author, title, Last modified date, post/ page parent ID, number of comments, menu order, page order, meta value, meta value number, Ransom order. If Meta value number is chosen then meta key is required.
Sort order: Descending or Ascending
Offset: number of grid elements displaced or passed over
Exclude: If you enter title of any posts here then they will not be shown on the page
Button Style: The style can be Rounded, Square, Round, Outlined, 3D, Square Outlined.
Button color: opt a color of button here
Button size: Mini, Small, Normal or Large

This Grid option helps you create these types of Blog page.