1. Red Row 1
- The first column is Noo Image.
- It has two columns with style 1/2+1/2
- The second column is Noo Title

2. Red Row 2
It has one column which comprises Noo Title and 4 small columns corresponding to 4 Noo Services elements. 4 Noo Services elements have 4 different titles which are Wedding Special, Birthday Party, Office Party and Party Hostess
- Noo Title
General > tick Using Container box > Save changesDesign options > change properties of padding > opt grey in background color > Save changes
3. Red Row 3
It has one column
Noo title
- It has one column
- Noo Team Settings contains
Categories: opt All or every single category
Order by: Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet, Title Reserved Alphabet
Limit Team Member: A specific number in this section you select will be the number of displayed members.
Layout Style: Default or info overlay. Default style arranges Media data that you created in Team Member into the place right below name and position of each team member. Meanwhile, Info Overlay will make Media data appear on image of each team member when you let the mouse hover over the image.
- Row settings:
See Red Row 3 and Red Row 4 in action

- It has one column
- Noo title:
- Noo Testimonial contains:
Choose Style: Square images or Circle images
Border Color images: select color for border of the image
Categories: All or every single category you added in Testimonial categories.
Order by: as usual, we have 4 kinds that are Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet, Title Reserved Alphabet.
Auto play: Yes or No
Limited Testimonial: the maximum number of shown testimonials.