Visual composer is a drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that equips you with more than 40 elements (also called shortcodes) to design your page with ease. In addition to these predefined elements, Visionary has 22 extra ones helping you to create many desirable pages. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Noo Visionary tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcodes to any pages or posts for your own use.
Note: In some cases, when you add an element and edit it, you should edit Row settings at the same time.
♣ Row settings includes:
• General:
Using Container: if you check this box, container`s width will be 1170px.
Row stretch: In our demo, we set Default in this section. Besides Default, you can select Stretch row, Stretch row and content, stretch row and content (no paddings). If opting these ones, the whole content in Red row 2 will disappear when it is shown on the site.
Full height row: when you tick this box, row will be set to full height.
Use video background: If this box is checked, video will be used as row background.
Parallax: There are three options for you:
None: image without parallax effect
Simple: image with parallax effect. It means that the image will move when you let the mouse scroll on it
With fade: image with parallax effect but move effect of the image is not as clear as that of Simple style.
Note: Two options Use video background (tick this box) and Parallax (Simple and With fade) will avail in some cases. For example, if font color is white and you do not use video background or Simple/ With Fade Parallax then visitors of you site may find it difficult to read white words and phrases. You know, white words on white background. No one can figure out those words in this case!
• Design Options:
CSS box: you can change width of padding, border and margin here
Background color: opt color for background here Below background color section, you will have an option to upload the background image and opt styles of background image: theme default, cover, contain, no repeat and repeat.
Cover: Scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area will be completely covered by the background image. Some parts of the background image may not be in view within the background positioning area.
Contain: Scale the image to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the content area.
No repeat: Size of the image will not change when it is placed in background area.
Repeat: Size of the image will also be as same as that of the original one; however, then many replicates of this image will be established in background area.
1. Noo Blog List
This shortcode is used in creating Blog List 1 Page
Data Source: select a source from which data is taken
Categories: Choose shown categories in the drop-down list
Order By: This option controls the display order of blog posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: this one restricts the number of posts shown per page
Excerpt length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of words included on an excerpt
2. Noo Blog Mansory
This shortcode is used in building Blog Mansory Page
Data source: Select a source from which data is taken
Categories: Choose categories which will be shown
Order By: This option controls the display order of posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Choose Style pagination: There are 2 styles which are Default and Infinite Scroll
Load More Icon: This option allows you to select a loadmore icon used to load blog posts
Posts per page: This option places a limit on the number of posts shown per page
Excerpt: The number you enter here is equal to the number of words included in an excerpt
3. Noo Blog Grid
Noo Blog Grid settings:
Style: there are 3 styles which are Style 1, Style 2 and Style 3
If you select Style 1, you will have an extra option to enter a URL
Heading: Enter a heading here
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
Data Source: Choose source from which data is taken
Categories: Choose categories which are shown
Order By: This option handles the display order based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: The number of posts is displayed
Excerpt Length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of texts included in an excerpt
4. Noo Blog Slider
It is one of the shortcodes used in creating Home Business Page
Heading: Enter a heading
Title: Enter a title
Data source: Data can be taken from Category, Tags or Posts
Categories: Choose categories which will be shown
Order By: This option handles the display order of posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: The maximum number of posts is displayed per page
Auto Play: choose True or False
Excerpt Length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of texts included on an excerpt.
5. Noo Testimonial
♣ This column contains a Noo Testimonial shortcode
Select Style: There are 2 styles which are Style 1 and Style 2
Style 1

Style 2

Heading: Enter a heading
Sub heading: Enter a sub heading
Upload Image: Upload an image here
Posts per page: The number of testimonials is shown
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No to enable or disable Auto Play
6. Noo About
Choose style: There are 2 styles.
1. Style One

2. Style Two

Title: Enter a title
Short Title : Enter a short title here
Attach: Enter texts
Content: Add a paragraph
7. Noo Member
Order By: This option controls display type of Members. There are 3 kinds:
1. Slider

2. Slider 2

3. Grid

Categories: Select shown categories
Order By: This option handles display order of members based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per page: The number of posts is displayed per page
8. Noo Mailchimp
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
Description: Give a short description here
Note: In order that Noo Mailchimp can function properly, you will need to install and activate Mailchimp For WordPress plugin. Then you will paste these codes into Admin panel> Mailchimp For WordPress> Forms> Fields:<div class="mc_footer">
<input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Enter your email" required />
<input type="submit" value="subscribe" />

9. Noo Title
Noo Title is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Page
Choose Style: There are 2 styles that are Center and Left. This option handles position of texts in Attach and Title sections
1. Center

2. Left

Attach: Enter some texts here
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Enter a short description
10. Noo Counter
This is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Page
Noo Counter settings:
Choose Style: There are 2 styles which are Icon Image and Counter Color. The first style allows you to upload an icon image while the second one give you an option to select a color
Import Number: Enter a number here
Title: Enter a title here
Show border left: Tick Yes box to show a border on the left of the first icon

11. Simple Testimonial
This one is used in creating About Page
Upload Image: Upload an image here
Name: Enter name of the person who gives the testimonial
Position: Enter position of that person
Description: Give a short description here
12. Noo Partner
It is one of the shortcodes used to build Home Business Page
Limited Post Slider: The maximum number of Partner images is shown
Upload Images: Upload images of partner
Custom Links: Enter link of all Partners. These links are separated by Enter
Custom Link Target: These links can be opened in the same window or in a new one
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
13. Price Table
This one is used to create Home Page
Price Table settings:
Choose Style: You can select Style 1 or Style 2.
If you are partial to Style 1, you will have an extra option called Background Header. Meanwhile, this option will not exist if you select Style 2
Title: Enter a title here
Price: Enter a price here
Time For Price:
Button Link: Enter link of the button here
Button name: Give a name to the button
Button Color: There are 3 choices which are Color Default, Color One and Color Two.
14. Services
It is one of the shortcodes used to build Home Page
Service Settings:
Style Services: There are 5 styles that are Style One, Style Two, Style three, Style four and Style five.
Style One: you will have an option to choose an icon
Style Two: You will have an option to upload an icon image. This style has a special feature that font color of texts is white and they are invisible; therefore, you will firstly find it surprising when you do not see texts
Style Three: although this style also allows you to upload an icon image, its display is different from Style Two. Its texts will be visible
Style Four: If you choose this style, you will have an extra option to enter a number.
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
15. Noo Portfolio
This one is used to create Home Page
Noo Portfolio settings:
Style Portfolio: There are 3 portfolio styles
1. Portfolio Masonry

2. Portfolio Grid

3.Portfolio Creative

Project columns: The number of shown columns fluctuates between 2 and 4
Choose categories: Select shown categories
Order By: Choose display order of portfolios based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limit: The maximum number of portfolios is shown
Choose pagination: There are 3 choices which are No pagination, Infinite Scroll and Ajax button
Load More Icon: This option allows you to select an icon used to load portfolios
16. Noo FAQ
Noo FAQ settings:
This shortcode is used to show Accordion style. You will click + icon to add sections. Each section contains the following options:
Open FAQ: You can select Hide or Show Description
Upload Icon: Upload an icon here
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description


17. Noo Product
18. Noo Product Small List
It is one of the shortocdes used to create Home Shop 2 Page
Button name: Give a name to the button
Choose categories: select shown categories
Order By: This option handles the display order of products based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limited: The maximum number of products is displayed
19. Noo Custom Link
This is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Business Page
Noo Custom Link settings:
Style: There are 2 styles which are Style 1 and Style 2
Import Name: This option will only be available if you select Style 2
20. Noo Product Banner
This is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Shop 1 Page
Select Style: There are 2 styles which are Style 1 and Style 2.
Image At Top Banner: You can upload an image which is on top of the banner
Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a subtitle
First Button, Second Button: These options will only be available when you are partial to Style 1. Enter title and URL of the buttons
Button: This one will be available if you choose Style 1
Column settings:
21. Noo Product Lookbook
Image of Model: Upload an image of model
Click + icon to add sections. Each section contains the following options:
Select Show Style: There are 4 display styles which are
1.Top To Bottom: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown above the + icon.
2. Bottom To Top: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown below the + icon.
3. Left To Right: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the left side of the + icon.
4. Right To Left: on the site, when you let the mouse hover over the + icon, title and description will be shown on the right side of the + icon.
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
22. Noo Map
This shortcode is used in creating Contact Us Page
Latitude/ Longitude: Enter latitude/ longitude of the place you want to show on the map
You will go to this site and enter name of place. After that, it will show you longitude and latitude of the place.
Icon Map: Choose a Map Icon
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Location: Enter a location here
Email: Enter an email address
Phone: Enter a phone number here
Website: Enter a website