Widgets are frequently used to create sidebar or footer. Beside default WordPress widgets, Notica added number of job and resume custom widgets. To view all Widgets, navigate to Appearance–> Widgets. You can drag and drop widgets from left sidebar list into footer columns or sidebars as you want. Here is the list of Notica Custom Widget you may want to use to have sidebar and footer like in Notica demo.
Noo Categories
Show all Notica categories and number post on each category. Can be used in Footer and filtering post by category
Recent News
Show all post which is latest created on categories. Can be used in Footer as our demo site.
Show all the number of persons who followed your site via social. Can be used in Home page as our demo site.
To create Counter Social, navigate to Appearance–> Widgets page. Add Noo Counter Social widget to the sidebar you want.
Facebook page URL
Your Facebook URL will be something like https://www.facebook.com/nootheme
Twitter Followers Counter
You need to Create a Twitter App and set it’s info in Settings–> Social Counter–> Twitter. You need to enter Twitter username, Twitter Consumer key, and Twitter Consumer secret
Youtube Channel URL
Your Youtube Channel URL will be something like http://www.youtube.com/user/username or http://www.youtube.com/channel/channel-name.
Vimeo Channel URL
Your Vimeo Channel URL will be something like http://vimeo.com/channels/username.
Dribbble URL
Your Dribbble Profile URL will be something like https://dribbble.com/username.
Sound Cloud Info
To get Sound Cloud API, Please following these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Your Applications page.
- Step 2: Click On Register a new application Button
- Step 3: Enter your App Name and click on Register
- Step 4: Check on Yes, I have read and accepted the Developer Policies and Click on Save App Button
To get Behance API, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Manager Your Applications page
- Step 2: Click “+Register a New App”, it will display form Register your Application, you need to fill out this information and start developing your app
- Step 3: Click “Register Your App” to get Behance API then go to Notica theme: Dashboard–> Settings–> Social Counter–> Find Behance to enter your Behance URL and Behance API:
Latest Rating
Show all post which is latest rated by customer or admin.