1. Red Row 1
♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains an Event Slider shortcode to which 3 Event Slide shortcodes are added
Event Slider setting
Animation: Choose Slide or fade
Slide Time/ Speed/ Height: Set a number in these sections
Auto Play Slider: Check this box so that the slider can play automatically
Show Slide Indicator: Tick this box to show this one
Show Previous/ Next Navigation: Check this box to show previous
Event Slide settings:
Background Type: There are 2 types of background. If you pick Featured Image, the image will be the featured one set in each event post. Meanwhile, if you choose Custom image, you will have an extra option to upload an image
Event: Select an event in the drop-down list
2. Red Row 2
♣ The column comprises the following shortcodes: Single Image, Text Block, Gap, Text Block, Gap and Button
3. Red Row 3
♣ The column contains a Noo Cause shortcode
Title: Enter a title
Show Archive Link: Choose Show or Hide Archive Link
Style: There are 3 styles that are Grid, List and Slider
Categories: Select cause categories in the drop-down list
Locations: Select cause location in the drop-down list
Posts per page: Enter a number of shown posts per page
Excerpt Length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of words contained in the excerpt
Show Pagination: Choose Show or Hide this one (this option is only used for Grid and List Style)
When you choose Grid style, you will have options like
Grid Columns: Choose number of shown columns
4. Red Row 4
♣ The column contains the following shortcodes: Text Block and a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns.
♣ The first column comprises Icon, Text Block and Raw HTML
♣ The second and third ones include Icon and Text Block
5. Red Row 5
♣ The column contains the following shortcodes: Text Block, Gap and Noo Causes
6. Red Row 6
♣ The column contains a Responsive Slide shortcode to which 3 Slide shortcodes are added
7. Red Row 7
8. Red Row 8
♣ The column contains the following shortcodes: Text Block, Gap and Noo Recent News
Noo Recent News settings:
Title: Enter a title here
Column: Choose the number of shown columns. It fluctuates between 2 and 4
Posts per page: The number of posts is displayed per page
Excerpt length: Excerpt is a short paragraph taken from a post. The number you enter here is equal to the number of words included in the excerpt
9. Red Row 9