Forum Replies Created
1, You mean the Post Resume form: It is quite complex because it is called to combine multiple layouts together
/noo-jobmonster/page-post-resume.php (layout called from folder / layouts /)
2, I'm not sure what exactly you want to custom: you can use Child Theme and customize the files in /layouts/dashboard/
Sorry for the delayed reply.
You need to active the Child Theme and add these lines to functions.php of Child Theme:
remove_action('noo_edit_candidate_after', 'noo_delete_account_output');
remove_action('noo_edit_company_after', 'noo_delete_account_output');
It seems that this problem exists on Jobica.
We will update in the next version.
You can wait to update it.
Best regards,
I have checked the Job Alert function and it is working normally. If you want to check you can follow my instructions earlier.
1, Install plugin WP Crontrol:
2, Create a Job Alert with keyword: eg: Tester.
3, Get ID job alert:
4, Go to Cron Events -> click Run now ->
5, Check email:
It looks like you have customized the path of the Resume post form.
Why would you set this link instead ?
Yogi theme doesn't support the function "book event ticket" on Event Single Page.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi,
we have tried this but still getting a candidate error uploading resume. Package can be ordered. The Resume package includes 1 resume, however after order nothing appears in resume section of the dashboard??
Please send me a screenshot to clarify.
Also there is an error/bug with 'summary of skills' on resumes;
This issue has been solved. You can reload your site and check again.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi,
How can i reproduce this error. I tried updating the post and page, but this error does not appear.
Does the error exist when you activate the default WordPress theme instead of Jobmonster?
1, Follow company popup has been solved. Please remove the cache and try again.
2, To use the package for candidate users, you need to enable the Candidate with paid Package option.
4 years, 10 months ago in reply to: Problem with saving global schedule settings and hiding empty time ranges #1118808Hi,
You can refer this post:
When using the shortcode options inside WP Bakery hiding empty time ranges allways shortens or cuts classes. (attached a test with 9am to 10pm and hiding 3pm)
The height of the class is calculated based on the timeline. Using the Hide Range function seems to have caused js to work incorrectly. Currently, we do not have a solution for this problem, you can temporarily ignore the Hide Range function.
Best regards,
We don't develop this plugin, you should contact the author so they can provide a release for these errors.
In addition to the theme, you need to update the Jobica Core plugin to version 1.2.5.
You can do the following to check Job Alert functionality:
1, Install plugin WP Crontrol:
2, Create a Job Alert with keyword: eg: Tester.
3, Get ID job alert:
4, Go to Cron Events -> click Run now ->
5, Check email:
Best regards,
You can use these lines:
<code>.resume-avatar.b-all { border: none; }</code>
- You are sure that you have updated to the latest version of the Jobica Core plugin.
You can use these lines:
<code>#content-dashboard-tc .heading-wrapper .heading-avatar img { width: 125px; height: 125px; }</code>
You can do the following to change text:
Backup all custom CSS from Customizer -> Additional CSS , Custom CSS
1, Install and active Child Theme. Later copy all custom CSS to style.css of Child Theme.
2, unzip the attachment and move to /wp-content/noo-jobmonster-child/
3, You go to /wp-content/noo-jobmonster-child/layouts/job/job_package.php and find the text and edit it.
4, Reload your site and check.
Best regards,
This reply has been marked as private.Hi,
- To hide the icon, you can use these lines:
<code>#sidebar-dashboard .sidenav li > a i:after{ display: none; }</code>
- I see the code you added is working
- There is no option for you to change the icon on menu sidebar.
Best regards,
You go to the noo_event.php (/wp-content/plugins/noo-timetable/inc/post-types/)
and use these line:
<code>$substr = explode('T', $event['start']); $kq = isset($substr[0]) ? $substr[0] : $event['start'];</code>
Best regards,
I have installed the NooTimetable plugin on your site and the widget area is still working.
Can you post a few pictures to clarify this problem?
I understand, but we do not provide custom services, currently we do not have enough manpower to do so.
I only needed a module to make the link be the profile (CV) and a notice space via the employers
Can you describe more clearly about this module?