See attachment:
I was able to force a timezone by putting America/Chicago into wp-settings.php file and then go to General>Reading and match it to UTC-6.. I redid an import and it matched.. I switched it back to Chicago on the Timezone and it seems to be fine now.
Question: is there a way to hide the end time? I have events that had a start time but no end time. When i imported the events, it added an end time.
Also, could i hide the time for all day events? I have events that were all day and when i imported, it added a 6AM time..
Unfortunately, the site is behind our network and it's not accessible from outside. I can take screenshots, or you can tell me what to look for or what to change. Or we can also set up a zoom/team meeting and I can show you?
I installed another plugin (ICS Calendar) which has an iCal import as well. I put both plugins side by side on a page and you will notice that the NOO plugin is off by several hours. See attachment.