My google api key is configured correctly for the Maps Javascript api and the Geocoding api
I added it in the Palazzo theme options.
Now the front-end maps are working perfectly.
The problem remains in the admin area when i'm logged, none of the admin maps neither the geocoding request made by the single property page work...
I'm a web developper so i analysed the html source code and i see that the google map script does not contain any api key !
<script src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=places&ver=1.0'></script>
I think the theme has a problem as my api key given in the theme options is not appended internally to the google maps js call.
It can't work in admin without the key .
I really need to have the maps and geocoding requests to work in admin.
Thank you for your help
i have the same problem.
Could you help me.
Very urgent thx