Forum Replies Created
In the file: manage-shortlist.php
Declared this on top:
And for that column added this:
I've created the input (1) and it's gathering data from the database. But if I change or add text and press submit button (2) all goes blank:
If I hit refresh, the list comes back but no changes in the notes.
well, I added a submit button and when pressed, all resumes disappear from the list, I refresh page and they appear again, but no changes in the notes 🙁
Hi tb,
I have a hidden field in resumes called "Notes" (database key: 'resume_note') and through functions it's declared '_noo_resume_field_resume_note'. All good.
Now for 'manage-shortlist.php' I've managed this so far:
Declared this:
$notas = noo_get_post_meta($post->ID, '_noo_resume_field_resume_note', '');
And in the desired column I added this:
<form class="inline-edit-col-right">
<input type="text" name="_noo_resume_field_resume_note" class="nooresumefieldresumenote" value="<?php if ( $notas ) { echo esc_html( $notas );} else {esc_html_e( 'N/A', 'noo' );} ?>"></label>
Now I have data appearing in the input. What I'm not being able to accomplish is being able to save data.
Can you help me with this action?
Daniel C
Yes it is! Thank you tb!
the list is empty now, in all companies 🙂
I tried to create resumes with the same job categories and locations of companies, but it's always empty.
Daniel C.
Oki doki.
Well, if you guys could put this in mind for future theme updates, that would be great.
Daniel C.
Something is wrong with my suggested resumes. For each department (company), there's a different location, and if one is registered, let's say in Lisbon, the suggested resumes for that department (company) are showing from all other locations.
Hi tinhbeng,
new year, same quality. All good!
Daniel C.
Hi there,
yesterday I raised a question about how suggested resumes are selected. My doubt was raised after I noticed that resumes are not being correctly suggested, they were appearing randomly.
And today I checked with my account of tests, that when someone creates a resume, these two fields >> "_job_location" - "_job_category" << stays blank no matter what. I choose the desired location and job categories but when I proceed those fields are erased (Or not saved).
I'm rescuing this topic because, I believe it has to do with that correction that was made some time ago to resumes creator, as we can see in previous posts.
Exists these fields aswell >> "_language" - "_language_another" - "_job_dl_nr" << that when we're creating a resume, and then we proceed and turn back to correct something, the chosen data is cleared. And they're all multiple selection fields:
Cheers,Daniel C.
Thanks a lot 👍
Daniel C
Hi tinhbeng,
you've made these modifications and all was fine. No one had access to jobs management area.
But today I updated to the last version and now If we press the avatar... jumps to the jobs management area again. Probably something wasn't kept in the childs theme, which is strange cause with the previous update all was good.
Anyway, can you please fix this? Thanks in advance.
Daniel C.
5 years, 2 months ago in reply to: Add column with job owner name in Applications (Dashboard) #1081823Of course it helped. You always do!
Only wish I knew what you know 😀
Daniel C.
As usual, 100% solved!
Daniel C.
Hey, all good. Thanks a lot.
Daniel C.
The issue is removing a resume from favorites, and it still persists.When I open a resume and mark it as favorite and then in favorites section press the trash bin button, that error occurs.Hi, I'm following, but not getting it.
This reply has been marked as private.Hey guys,
did the author said anything already?
Daniel C.
Hi tinhbeng,
no, I didn't do any customization in data table. At least recently. I did translated a few strings there, but everything was working. Since the last update I didn't restore anything in datatables, so it's all like it should be.
Daniel C.
Hi tinhbeng, any news about this?
Daniel C
Hi tinhbeng,
don't ask me. In programming, I'm just a handyman 🙂
Anyway, that did the work. As always. Thanks a bunch.
Daniel C
Hi tinhbeng, I'm not referring to the name displayed in the list. What I'm saying is that, instead appearing the name of the last person that have sent a message, it would always appear the name of the person to whom the message was sent.
As you can see in my first print, the department was the last one sending a message in those threads, so the in the list si always:
- Human Resources
- Human Resources
- Human Resources
- Human Resources
In a long list of messages, this is really confusing since you're looking for a specific person and that person doesn't even have an avatar, we can't simply find it. So, my question is if we can put the name of the person to whom the message is sent, and then would be like:
- John Doe
- Riahana Dart
- Morty Clinge
- ....
Thanks in advance,
Hi there, a month ago tinhbeng helped me to create 'notes' field to add privately in published resumes. Only admin is able to add notes and read them. This is was done using functions.
If there's any chance, and if it's not too much complicated, and to complete this function, could you help to make the right function that would make these notes searchable?
I searched a bit around the web and found the following code, which I tried to make it work but, no juice...
<code><span>// Search custom post type</span> <span>function</span><span> extend_admin_search</span><span>(</span><span> $query </span><span>)</span> <span>{</span> <span>// Extend search for document post type</span><span> $post_type </span><span>=</span> <span>'document'</span><span>;</span> <span>// Custom fields to search for</span><span> $custom_fields </span><span>=</span><span> array</span><span>(</span> <span>"_noo_resume_field_resume_note"</span><span>,</span> <span>);</span> <span>if</span><span>(</span> <span>!</span><span> is_admin</span><span>()</span> <span>)</span> <span>return</span><span>;</span> <span>if</span> <span>(</span><span> $query</span><span>-></span><span>query</span><span>[</span><span>'post_type'</span><span>]</span> <span>!=</span><span> $post_type </span><span>)</span> <span>return</span><span>;</span><span> $search_term </span><span>=</span><span> $query</span><span>-></span><span>query_vars</span><span>[</span><span>'s'</span><span>];</span> <span>// Set to empty, otherwise it won't find anything</span><span> $query</span><span>-></span><span>query_vars</span><span>[</span><span>'s'</span><span>]</span> <span>=</span> <span>''</span><span>;</span> <span>if</span> <span>(</span><span> $search_term </span><span>!=</span> <span>''</span> <span>)</span> <span>{</span><span> $meta_query </span><span>=</span><span> array</span><span>(</span> <span>'relation'</span> <span>=></span> <span>'OR'</span> <span>);</span> <span>foreach</span><span>(</span><span> $custom_fields </span><span>as</span><span> $custom_field </span><span>)</span> <span>{</span><span> array_push</span><span>(</span><span> $meta_query</span><span>,</span><span> array</span><span>(</span> <span>'key'</span> <span>=></span><span> $custom_field</span><span>,</span> <span>'value'</span> <span>=></span><span> $search_term</span><span>,</span> <span>'compare'</span> <span>=></span> <span>'LIKE'</span> <span>));</span> <span>}</span><span> $query</span><span>-></span><span>set</span><span>(</span> <span>'meta_query'</span><span>,</span><span> $meta_query </span><span>);</span> <span>};</span> <span>}</span><span> add_action</span><span>(</span> <span>'pre_get_posts'</span><span>,</span> <span>'extend_admin_search'</span> <span>); </span></code>
Can you please help with this?
Thanks mate,