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Dear, Please kindly send for me admin account and your problem URL via private reply, I will check details to help you.
Best regards.
This reply has been marked as private.Dear, if you want do it, Please go to Custom fields and change thats field type to multiple.
Best regards.
Dear, If you want change agent mobile and phone field to private and only show when user logged in, Please install and switch your site to use Citilights child theme. Then add custom code in file function.php of Citilights child theme
if ( ! function_exists( 're_agent_display_field' ) ) : function re_agent_display_field( $field = array(), $agent_id = '', $args = array() ) { if( empty( $agent_id ) || !isset( $field['name'] ) || empty( $field['name'] )) return; $field['type'] = isset( $field['type'] ) ? $field['type'] : 'text'; $id = re_agent_custom_fields_name($field['name']); if( isset( $field['is_default'] ) ) { if( isset( $field['is_disabled'] ) && ($field['is_disabled'] == 'yes') ) return; if( isset( $field['is_tax'] ) ) return; $id = $field['name']; } $field_name = str_replace( RE_AGENT_META_PREFIX . '_', '', $id ); $private_fields = apply_filters('re_agent_private_fields',[]); if(in_array($field_name, $private_fields) && !is_user_logged_in()){ return; } $value = get_post_meta($agent_id, $id, true); if( empty( $value ) ) return; $args = array_merge( array( 'label_tag' => 'span', 'label_class' => '', 'value_tag' => '', 'value_class' => '', ), $args ); $icon = isset( $field['icon'] ) ? '<i class="fa ' . $field['icon'] . '""></i>' : ''; $label = ''; if( !empty( $args['label_tag'] ) ) { $label = isset( $field['label_translated'] ) ? $field['label_translated'] : $field['label']; $label = "<{$args['label_tag']} class='label-{$id} {$args['label_class']}'>". esc_html( $label ) . ":</{$args['label_tag']}>"; } $atts = $id == RE_AGENT_META_PREFIX . '_email' ? "data-original-title='{$value}'" : ''; ?> <div class="agent-<?php echo esc_attr( $field_name ); ?>" <?php echo $atts; ?>> <?php echo $icon . $label; ?> <?php if ( $field_name === 'website' ) : ?> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ) ?>"> <?php noo_display_field_value( $field, $id, $value, $args ); ?> </a> <?php elseif ( $field_name === 'email' ) : ?> <a target="_top" rel="noopener noreferrer">" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ) ?>"> <?php noo_display_field_value( $field, $id, $value, $args ); ?> </a> <?php else : noo_display_field_value( $field, $id, $value, $args ); endif; ?> </div> <?php } endif; add_filter('re_agent_private_fields',function(){ return ['phone','mobile']; });
Best regards.
Dear, You can go to Agent Custom Fields settings and disable it.
Best regards.
Dear, if you want query featured resume/job. Please query by meta key '_featured' with value 'yes'
Best regards.
3 years, 2 months ago in reply to: Cannot select/change in JobMonster settings for some of the Member Options #1217561Dear, I don't understand your problem, please kindly give me more details and send for me admin account and your problem URL via private reply, I will check details to help you.
Best regards.
Dear, only custom event carousel shortcode for WPBakery is conflict with Elementor and you can use custom Code to resolve it. Also, you still can use theme with Elementor.
Best regards.
Yes. If you want do it, plesae add custom CSS code on your site
@media (max-width:767px){ body.boxed-layout .site{ width: 100%; box-shadow: none; -o-box-shadow: none; -ms-box-shadow: none; } }
Best regards.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.I don't understand what you want disable. You can give me more details with screeshort ?
This reply has been marked as private.Sorry, you can't disable it because Jobmonster use it to get map latitude and longitude to search job.
Best regards.
This reply has been marked as private.3 years, 3 months ago in reply to: The users are still able to login through the first email the registered with #1217524This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Dear, the resume category is available in elementor (see attachment) please check your site again.
Best regards.
This reply has been marked as private.Dear, Because the event slider on Hermosa theme only work with WPBakery plugin. To fix your problem, you need disable Elementor script on page use event slider. If you want do it. Please install and switch your site to use Hermosa child theme. Then add custom PHP code in file
of Hermosa child theme.add_action('elementor/frontend/after_register_scripts',function(){ global $post; if($post && $post->ID == 'PAGE_ID'){ wp_deregister_script('elementor-frontend'); wp_deregister_script('swiper'); } });
Please change
to page id you want show event slider.Best regards.
Sorry, the Jobmonster not limit create resume. The jobmonster only support limit resume can view/public.
Best regards.
1. To fix that problem. please click to 'Screen Options' and un-check to columns you don't want show (see attachment)2. Please kindly send for me admin account and your site URL via private reply. I will check details to help you.
Best regards.
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