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Hi Jackie,
In fact I deleted the lines of code because it poses a problem:
- Noo-job Elementor module: does not display urgent jobs but everything
- impossible to submit offers, it does not display anything when viewing the offer and therefore impossible to put it in validation by the admin
- as well as the count of offers in the widgets by contract, profession, city
so I will do otherwise I think it is a shame this avoids 404 errors, I will take my courage and set up 301 redirects then
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Jackie,
it's perfect, thanks a lot 😉
Hi Jackie,
Thanks 🙂
how to hide offers after 2 months?
i tried to modify this line, but it doesn't display anything anymore
'value' => strtotime('+2 months', (int) current_time('timestamp')),
I just figured it out 😉
it works fine on the main page
but not with job-location or job-type
can you tell me what to do?
I just looked but it shows me all the closed offers on my side 🙁
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Jackie,
Thanks it works 😉
I fixed the access to the Archive page (slug error) but there is still the navigation as well as the number of job offers found how to modify so that it is displayed correctly?
If you can give me all the modified code in order to put on my server in production
Thanks in advance
Have a nice day
Hi Jackie,
I just added the 5 lines of code in my child theme it doesn't seem to work.
I added it again in the parent theme it doesn't seem to work either 🙁
I placed this code just after this line
$data_marker = 'data-marker="'.esc_attr(json_encode(jm_get_marker_job_data($post->ID))).'"';
Thanks in advance
Hi Jackie,
Thanks !
Yes that's right, I'm going to find a query or do it manually because otherwise it gives me 404 errors, I have to manage the redirects manually otherwise I'm going to lose my SEO with the 404 errors
for expired offers I don't need the search engine because it's just for me.
Or maybe an even simpler idea comes to me to avoid 404 errors 😉 How to hide closed offers in the archive page? like that the offers disappear for visitors since they are closed but still accessible for Google and no 404 error 😉
It must be simpler, just the query of the archive page and search engine to modify right?
Hi Jackie,
Happy New Year 😉
Thanks !
I just understood I had not put a date in "Offer expiration date" but in "Ad end date".
Do you have an SQL query to take the "Ad end date" and put it in "Offer expiration date" or tell me the fields so I can do it on my side?
Is there a way to still display expired jobs on another page or with a parameter in the url for example? because I often search for an expired offer to renew it from /city/paris for example where "paris" is the department of my search
how is the redirection then managed if the offer has expired? 404 error or redirection to the offer archive page?
Thank you
cela va faire 3 ans que je l'utilise, oui très puissant et évolue bien en fonction des demandes ce qui est vraiment un plus. couplé avec Elementor le top 🙂
tu as essayé 0,00 pour avec le point pour voir ? je viens de regarder moi j'ai bien 0 mais bon. Peut etre un souci avec la version d'hier aussi
il trouvera forcement
on va attendre le retour de Jackie il pourra te dire, car il est top et très pro.
pas de soucis tu as mon email direct du coup 😉 oui j'ai vu sur ton site
avec plaisir, j'ai beaucoup modifier le template de mon coté 🙂
bon week end
alors celle là, on habite pratiquement à coté 😉
j'ai l'impression que c'est plus un problème de javascript car il y a bien une url sur le bouton du gratuit
comme sur les autres, mais aucune erreur dans la console
par contre il y a cela
GET /wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/functions/noo-captcha.php?code=1677c 403 (Forbidden)
peut etre une piste à regarder, on ne sait jamais
dans Jobmonter Thème \ forfait \ tu as bien indiqué la page de tes packages ? en cochant la case "Autoriser l'achat de plusieurs Forfaits Gratuit" juste pour voir tester ?
Bonjour Thierry,
Je viens de regarder effectivement cela ne passe pas étrange 🙁 je viens de te faire une copie d'écran de la configuration de mon pack pour comparer si cela peut t'aider
Bon courage à toi
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Jackie,
Thanks !
I just tested on my child theme to put on OFF but it didn't change anything, I thought there was a change of a php file, so I tested with the main theme but it still displays the expired offers in the archives 🙁
can you look on the test server and tell me which files to modify on my production server?
2 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to: Your theme (Noo JobMonster) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce templat #1221947Hello Jackie
I am also interested in the modifications to be made to the file 😉
Is the theme compatible with WP 6.7.1 too?
thanks I just looked but I don't understand how I can add that 🙁
do you have an example?
Hie Jackie
perfect it's good
it's good
great job
thanks 😉
Hi Jackie
I just realized that I have the same problem too 🙁
Can you make the change on my test server and tell me which files to update on my production server
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Jackie,
I don't want to hide them, I would like to modify the layout, how can I add a return variable to do my layout afterwards like the screenshot