NooTheme Premium WordPress Theme › Forums › JobMonster › WPML – Few problems
- This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
5 years, 10 months ago #1074676
I meet few issues with WPML plugin and your Theme :
1) Mouse Cursor of Language switcher point to other menu
When I slide the cursor of my mouse on the Language switcher, then the Language switcher point on its left menu called "Help" menu for me. How to fix it ?
2) Translated Home page doesn't appear in the created French menu
I have created a new Home page in French (Pages/Home/+ French). Then I have created a new "Primary menu" in French (Appearance/menus/+ French). However, the French page created previously is not listed (missing) !!! Why ? Should I use "Custom Links" instead ?
3) Page Title
My English "Home" page doesn't have "Home" title because I had selected the Checkbox "Hide Page Title" in Pages/Home/Hide Page Title. However, WPML plugin insist and want us to translate the missing "Home" title in French, then you will see the title of the page in French only. How to hide the page title in all languages and not English only ?
Last time, you have fixed these issues but didn't explain me how to fix it and I have to ask you again and again ... because I have installed again the Themes due to multiple issues ... Please could you send me clear information to know how to fix these issues by my own ... ?
WPML is a large plugins with a lot of settings according to each Themes. A JobMonster WPML tutorial will will help a lot your customers, it will avoid a lot questions, loss of time and much more ...
Thank you & Regards,
5 years, 10 months ago #1074677This reply has been marked as private.5 years, 10 months ago #1074679Few more information : I plan to use your .mo files and translate the theme manually ... WPML doesn't recommend this method because it slows down the sites with such method ... However, you don't provide any tutorials and settings for your Theme and WPML plugin, then I plan to try the manual translation with .mo file at the first and then try the WPML recommendation in the future ... Double work but so far no other choice ... anyway, let's try to make it works ...
5 years, 10 months ago #1074751
AnonymousInactiveTopics: 0
Posts: 3295Hi,
Thanks for contacting us.
1- Please provide us with your FTP account because we need to change the source code to help you make the cursor points exact the menu language.
2- We also went to your French menu but we didn't see any menu item in here. Please see this image:
3- When you checked in Hide Page Title checkbox, that means the website will be hidden this section:
It is not the page title in the Dashboard, that's the reason why you still need to translate the title of the page to another language.
4- We are so sorry but can you remind us which issues we fixed on your site before? We will explain it clearly for you.
5- WPML plugin is a powerful translation plugin so we think that you should learn to use this plugin. It is very convenient and easy.
Thank you.
5 years, 9 months ago #10747721- Please provide us with your FTP account because we need to change the source code to help you make the cursor points exact the menu language.
Please Why don't you send me the modification/source code ? then I will update by myself ... then next time, I won't need to ask you again and again the same question ...
Moreover, what is the problem with this Language Switcher ? Is it a common problem for all sites ? Do you plan to fix it in your new version ?
2- We also went to your French menu but we didn't see any menu item in here. Please see this image:
Yes, you ask me the same question that I asked you twice (2 days) ...
I repeat again the question, how to add the French menu because the pages are not shown in Appearance/Menus/Primary Menu in French ?
3- When you checked in Hide Page Title checkbox, that means the website will be hidden this section:
??? This question will come back after solving the issue number 2 ...
5 years, 9 months ago #10747872 - As you said, WPML is easy and convenient ... but you couldn't fix this problem no. 2 ...
Then I have just fixed it by myself ...
Step 1 : deactivate all plugins, except WPBakery and WPML ...
Step 2 : check if the problem is solve ... Great my problem is solved ...
Step 3 : re-activate the plugins one by one to know which plugin where conflicting with the JobMonster Theme or WPBakery or WPML ...
1 - I am waiting for your new code ...
5 years, 9 months ago #10747951 - I am waiting for your new code ...
3 - Now you can see the problem no.3
My English "Home" page doesn't have "Home" title because I had selected the Checkbox "Hide Page Title" in Pages/Home/Hide Page Title. However, WPML plugin insist and want us to translate the missing "Home" title in French & Spanish, then you will see the title of the page in French & Spanish only.
How to hide the page title in all languages and not English only ?
5 years, 9 months ago #1074918
AnonymousInactiveTopics: 0
Posts: 3295Hi again,
Thanks for your feedback.
We are so sorry for the late response because our forum system met problems so we cannot get access to answer client.
1- We also checked in our website but it doesn't meet this issue of menu language, that's the reason why we need your FTP account because our developer needs get access to it then turn on the debug and find the exact issue on your site. Hopefully, you can understand it.
2- Please go to Appearance > Menus> Switch French menu then you should click Screen Options in the right of the topbar, check the items which you want to show. After that, you can add a menu item easily.
3- Yes, exactly. When clicked Hide page Title checkbox, the header of Home will be hidden. Why did we make this option? Because some clients don't want to show the default header of Homepage because they can use WP Bakery shortcodes to build their site easily.
4- I am so sorry but I don't understand this question well:
My English "Home" page doesn't have "Home" title because I had selected the Checkbox "Hide Page Title" in Pages/Home/Hide Page Title. However, WPML plugin insist and want us to translate the missing "Home" title in French & Spanish, then you will see the title of the page in French & Spanish only.
Can you help us to provide an image of your issue clearly?
Please check, then feedback us.
Thank you.
5 years, 9 months ago #1074959Hi again & again ...,
1- Other forums don't have any problem to explain clearly and past the code online ...
Anyway, Please could you tell us the "name of the files" that you plan to update ?
We did a backup of the site (DB+file). If you could tell us the "name of the files" that you plan to update, therefore we could update this/these on our side in case we need to reinstall the Theme due to major bugs ... We just try to avoid your Forum as much we can ... because we could save up a lot of time and won't disturb you ... please we need the "name of the files" that you plan to update and then we send you the FTP, cPanel access, ...
2- Problem solved by Us, one plugin was conflicting ...
3- You still don't understand the issue ... We need to solve this problem ...
Front-end site -> Step 1 : Please visit the "Home" page in English (NO "Home" Header title in English), Step 2 : select Spanish language from the language switcher, Step 3 : look at the "Home" page which is "Inicio" page in Spanish and you will see the "Inicio" Header title in Spanish ...
Again, How to HIDE the "Inicio" header title in Spanish (because we don't have it in English) ?
5 - WPML translate the wrong "Resumes" page in French & Spanish (Wrong page translating)
WPML translate the wrong "Resumes" search page in French & Spanish (Page/All Pages/Resumes pages in French & Spanish), and force to translate another page "Recruitment Home" instead (attached screen shot) ...
Please how to fix it ?
5 years, 9 months ago #1074963Sorry, we are going to solve the issue 5 on our side ...
We just need answers regarding 1 & 3
5 years, 9 months ago #1074991We have just quickly solved the problem 5 ...
We just need your support regarding the question 1 & 3 & 6 (new) ...
1 - We just need the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update, then we will send you the FTP access, cPanel access, ... Please what is the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update
3 - We just need to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish of the "Home" page (NO "Home" header title in English) ... Please how to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish (we will repeat it for other languages) ?
6 - Moreover, we have noticed that WPML doesn't offer to translate your NOO Blocks (WPBakery), for instance in the Home page, there are 2 "Noo Register Blocks", one for Employer (I am an Employer looking to Hire, REGISTER) and one for Candidate (I am a Candidate looking for Jobs, REGISTER)
Please do you know how to allow WPML to offer a translation of the Noo Register Block (inserted with WPBackery in the Home page) ?
5 years, 9 months ago #1075038Today, Day Number 7 and no problem solved, excepted by us ... !!!
We have solved the problem 5 ...
We just need your NooTheme support regarding the question 1 & 3, 6 (new) & 7 (new) ...
1 - We just need the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update, then we will send you the FTP access, cPanel access, ... Please what is the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update ?
3 - We just need to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish of the "Home" page (NO "Home" header title in English) ... Please how to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish (we will repeat it for other languages) ?
6 - WPML doesn't offer the option to translate your NOO Blocks(WPBakery), for instance in the Home page, there are 2 "Noo Register Blocks", one for Employer (I am an Employer looking to Hire, REGISTER) and one for Candidate (I am a Candidate looking for Jobs, REGISTER)
Please do you know how to allow WPML to offer a translation of the Noo Register Block (inserted with WPBackery in the Home page) ?
7 - The "Jobs" and "Resumes" pages doesn't show in French and Spanish laqnguages (blank page).
Why the "Jobs" and "Resumes" pages doesn't show in French and Spanish laqnguages and how to fix it ?
5 years, 9 months ago #1075058We have solved the problem 5 & 7 ...
About the problem 7, WPML kindly recommend to contact the vendors of the Theme to know the wpml settings regarding the Theme ... it was our question 4 few days ago
Answer to question 7 :
WPML/Settings/Custom Fields Translation, set the "noo_demo_settings" to translate (radio box)
Please we need information asap about the pending issue as below (1, 3 & 6) :
1 - We need the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update (Language Switcher), then we will send you the FTP access, cPanel access, ...
Please what is the "Name of File(s)" than you plan to update ?
3 - We need to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish & French of the "Home" page (NO "Home" header title in English) ...
Please how to delete the "Inicio" Header Title (Dark Grey header) in Spanish & French ?
6 - WPML doesn't offer the option to translate your NOO Blocks(WPBakery), for instance in the Home page, there are 2 "Noo Register Blocks", one for Employer (I am an Employer looking to Hire, REGISTER) and one for Candidate (I am a Candidate looking for Jobs, REGISTER)
Please do you know how to allow WPML to offer a translation of the Noo Register Block (inserted with WPBackery in the Home page) ?
5 years, 9 months ago #1075059Hello,
The problem 7 came back after a while ... we need your support
5 years, 9 months ago #1075099Day number 8 ...
Last night, All problem were solved by Us, except the problem 1 ...
Simple tutorial to set JobMonster pages with WPML :
a) JobMonster pages (Home, Jobs, Resumes, ...) need the URL slug in English for all languages
Step 1, edit your default English page (Pages/All Pages) and switch off the WPML's Translation Editor
Step 2, Duplicate or edit the pages in other languages, set the URL slug in English for all languages
Example with "Jobs" page and mandatory "jobs" for URL slug
English :
Spanish :
b) For other pages, it doesn't matter (Contact Us, About Us, ...) and the URL slug in other languages could be translated (It might be WP standard page and not JobMonster page but we cannot confirm it because we don't know)
Example with "Contact Us" page, the URL slug can be translatable to any languages, it doesn't matter :
English :
Spanish :
Pending problem :
1 - The WPML cursor doesn't points the exact menu language but our "Help" menu instead ...
Please We need to know the "Name of the File(s)" than you plan to update (Language Switcher), then we will send you the FTP access, cPanel access, ...
Please what is the "Name of the File(s)" than you plan to update ?
For information, last night we installed the standard JobMonster Theme with demo and WPML in Local Host and we have the same problem (attached screen shoot) ... We did the same installation but with another Theme called "DIVI" and we don't have such problem ... therefore this WPML language switcher is a well known problem of JobMonster Theme ...
10 - We have noticed that the translation of few strings don't works, footer widgets for instance ...
Please we would like to know what is translatable or not with your JobMonster Theme ?
Then we won't try to solve these bugs ... to limit the loss of time ....
According to our question before purchase on themeforest, your team confirm us that your Theme is fully translatable ... but we have discovered opposite information on this forum ...
5 years, 9 months ago #1075191Hi again.
Sorry for the late response.
1. We have changed the code to help you fix the issue with the submenu align.
10. With the widget translate, it has the config display on language
Please select the language display and add the widget for each your language.
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