Hi, guys
recently have issue with theme update notifications. Receiving no notifications at all
Theme purchase code is active and inserted to Noo setting for automatic updates, added screenshot
Neither got any mail from Themeforest about updates
Themeforest Hermosa changelog is outdated
I have already Hermosa 1.4.5 installed and about a week ago by accident discovered that some of theme plugins can be updated by deleting and re-installing.
Had issue with WP Bakery, so re-installed and got new version 6.5, but notification said that only version 6.4.2 was available. Also added screenshot
So I tried to reinstall Hermosa core and timetable plugins, and also got new versions. But no notifications at all. Please can you check that issue ?
Would be nice to see changelog and notifications about updates as it was before
Thank you in advance and hope to hear from you soon