Thanks for contacting us.
1- To translate: https://prnt.sc/nvtf46
Please follow these steps to change these texts via source code:
- Step 1: Go to :{root}\wp-content\themes\noo- jobmonster\assets\vendor\DataTables\datatables.js
Copy all source code of this file to {root}\wp-content\themes\noo-jobmonster\assets\vendor\DataTables\datatables.min.js
- Step 2: Search the text do you want to change. You can use the “Find”. Choose the key combination Ctrl-F and enter the word you want to search.
- Step 3: Input the text that you want to change and save it.
* For instance:
-You want to change the phrase : Showing ... to ... entries, it located in line 11431.
-Changed texts:
You can use Loco Translate plugin then find this text in our language file and translate.
Please check, then feedback us.
Thank you.