1. The website will have 2 types of user: Employer and Candidate.
You can use this code snippet:
if( Noo_Member::is_employer() ) { // check User is employer <=> Job Package
$package = jm_get_package_info(); // check current user
$order_status = get_user_meta($user_id,'_order_status',true); // check payment status
} elseif( Noo_Member::is_candidate() ) { // check User is candidate<=> Resume Package
$package = jm_get_resume_posting_info(); // check current user
$order_status = get_user_meta($user_id,'_order_resume_status',true); // check payment status
2. You go to the noo_company.php (/wp-content/themes/noo-jobmonster/framework/admin/) and find to the function "count_jobs".
Best regards,