Could you please get rid of the HTML entity names in the generated shortcode? They're messy and certain places I paste it they get decoded and then the shortcode doesn't work anymore.
Actual/working shortcode:
[noo_beforeafter items="%5B%7B%22bimg%22%3A%221242%22%2C%22aimg%22%3A%221241%22%7D%5D" control_offset="20" control_color="#00b0df"]
Gets decoded into this, which doesn't work:
[noo_beforeafter items="[{"bimg":"1242","aimg":"1241"}]" control_offset="20" control_color="#00b0df"]
The latter is much easier to read and even manipulate manually, but the [] brackets within the shortcode is probably why all this gobbly-gook is necessary. Couldn't you have used any other symbol? Even so, how about you re-encode to protect against (i.e. allow human-readable shortcodes) the HTML entities being rendered?
This would be greatly appreciated.