I am doing a website for recruiter agency, ten only candidate can apply to job and employer won’t recieved nothing but only the recruiter. The employer wont have a profil.
I would like to know how can I manage this the better way?
We are going to use an other CRM and integrate API integration to have the possibility to post a job from their system. And same to received Application from candidate. I need to prepar well the theme for that. If you have some recomendation please tell me. Thank you
Custom field Single Job
As I will use an API integration to be available to “creat job offert” from an other CRM I need to creat new custom field
- when I create it all the custom field is on the right or left and would like to manage it and have some information in the main text, I put you attached an image “2” to explain you more. How can I change the location and if it’s in child theme can you explain to me, please?
- As well I need to know how to deleted “view” and “more information”
- How to change the background color?
- APPLY FOR JOB: I would like to put the button “Apply for jobs” available for everyone and after clicking to the call to action send people to register form if his not connected and send to apply if his connected. How can I do it?
Thank you for your help