Then I installed the noo-jobmonster theme and activated it. After this I tried to import the Demo content but again some resources failed to upload:
<h6 style="line-height: normal; margin: 0px; color: #666666; font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;">Code:</h6>
Failed to import “Free”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Standard”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Featured”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Premium”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Free”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Standard”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Featured”: Invalid post type product
Failed to import “Contact form 1”: Invalid post type wpcf7_contact_form
Failed to import “Contact home”: Invalid post type wpcf7_contact_form
Failed to import “Premium”: Invalid post type product
All done. Have fun! Import Successfully!
Yet, no errors were recorded on the server or in the Chrome Inspect Console. With this being said I would conclude that the issue is indeed with the theme and I would highly recommend you to contact the theme's developer so they can investigate the matter any further.