1. You can user BBPress plugin
2. mean: when Employer approve application, the admin will receive email notice ? If you want do it, please install and switch your site to use Jobmonster Child theme, then add custo code in file functions.php of Child theme.
add_action('manage_application_action_approve', function($application_id){
$application = get_post($application_id);
$job_id = $application->post_parent;
$company_id = jm_get_job_company($job_id);
$employer = wp_get_current_user();
$company_name = !empty($company_id) ? get_the_title($company_id) : $employer->display_name;
$admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
$subject = 'New Application Approved';
$message = 'Dear.'."\n";
$message = 'The company '.$company_name.' as approve job application '.$application->post_title;
noo_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message);
Best regards.