As the title says when the slider changes the screen is forced to move back to the top of the page when setting a image slider (slideshow) as a background for "Advanced Search". Please see the attached. You have to still stay on the slider for example half way scroll down but still on the slider image and wait till the slider image changes to next. The screen moves to the top of the page when it happens. To see it, you may have to have the Advanced Search at the top of the page like your demo content.
This bug I think is something to do with jQuery carouFredSel 6.2.1 but the plugin has the latest code. The author hasn't released a newer one. I found the article that could be related but don't know how to modify and test the code.
This is the reason why I wanted to use Revolution Slider instead but setting the revolution slider (as a background of advanced search) makes the Advanced Search Setting uneditable after publishing/updating the page. I mentioned this in another query post.
I hope my explanation makes sense.
I am hoping to get your support for this and others soon. I know you are busy but my continuous posts will not continue forever. It will finish one day soon. Now I am in the phase of testing the theme to learn what can, how can and cannot be done in the project.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.