Home One Page is different from a normal Home page. So which features does it own to make itself distinguishable from an usual Home page? There are two important ones of Home One page you should remember:
- No sooner have you scrolled the mouse down and let it pass the area of the slider than you can see Navigation bar.
- When you click on items of the menu, for example, About, it will go to the corresponding location on the Home One Page on which About is placed. This is totally different from Home page. After you click an item, it will direct you to another page link.
1. Red Row 1
•It has a
Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Title 1. Noo Title
Row settings: After reading the second distinctive feature of
Home One Page, perhaps, you will have a question of the detail related to “When you click on items of the menu, for example, About, it will go to the corresponding location on the Home One Page on which About is placed”. The key to the issue will be found in
Row ID section in
General. It is Row ID that will bring About, Services etc to their exact places on Home One Page. Yet, you have to make sure that Row ID is unique and valid according to w3c specification.Thus, you can speculate that the major change of shortcode settings in Home One page belongs to Row ID section.Please pay attention to this one:After entering a Row ID, you will see a URL next to the icon ” + ” at the top of each Red Row. For instance, if row ID is aboutus then URL will be #aboutus.
2. Red Row 2
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Text Block shortcode
3. Red Row 3
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4)
• Each column contains a
Noo Why Choose Us shortcode
2. Noo Why Choose Us
About Us page is constituted by Red Row 1,2 and 3:

4. Red Row 4
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4)
• Each column comprises a
Noo Counter shortcode
17. Noo Counter
5. Red Row 5
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns (1/4+3/4)
• The first column contains the following shortcodes:
Noo Title, Text Block and Noo Button 7. Noo Button
Red Row 5 turns into Services page:

6. Red Row 6
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column. The column contains the following shortcodes:
• Noo TItle
• Text Block
• A row shortcode of which style is 3 columns (1/3+13+1/3)
• Each column is a Noo Pricing shortcode:
Title: Enter a title here
Price: Enter price here
Button name: give a name to the button
Button link: paste link of the button here
Content: Enter items whose price is the one you input in Price option above. Separate items by pressing Enter
Background Style: There are two available background colors that are White and Gray
Red Row 6 is transformed into Special Offers page:

7. Red Row 7
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column.
• The column contains a Noo Title shortcode
• Row settings
8. Red Row 8
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column has a Text Block shortcode
9. Red Row 9
• It has a row shortcode whose style is one column
• Tab shortcode
After this shortcode is created, sections will be automatically formed or you can add extra ones. In our example, we add 3 sections whose titles are New Products, Popular Products, Best Selling
• Noo Woocommerce
General options:
Choose data: Opt an item in the drop-down list
Order by: Recent first, Order first, Title Alphabet or Title reserved alphabet
Post Per page: This option determines how many products are shown on the page
Slider options:
Show pagination: Choose Show or Hide so that pagination will be shown or hidden
Auto play: Opt Yes or No
Shop Page is created by Red Row 7, 8 and 9:

10. Red Row 10
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is a column
• The column is composed of the following shortcodes:
• A
Row shortcode of which style is 2 columns (1/4+3/4)
The first column is a
Noo Title shortcode and the second one is a
Noo Client shortcode
12. Noo Clients
Red Row 10 turns into Clients page:

11. Red Row 11
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is one column
• Noo Blog 8. Noo Blog
• Row settings
Red Row 11 turns into Blog page:

12. Red Row 12
• It has a
Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a
Noo Map shortcode
Latitude: Enter a number corresponding to latitude of the map
Longitude: Enter a number corresponding to longitude of the map
Icon Map: Upload an icon image here
Height Map: Enter a number equivalent to height of the map
Note: To get longitude and latitude, firstly, you should go to this website:
Search the place you want then you will see its longitude and latitude
13. Red Row 13
• It has a
Row shortcode of which style is one column
Noo Newsletter: 13. NooNewsletter
Display of Red Row 12 and 13:

14. Red Row 14
• It has Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a Noo title shortcode
Row settings
15. Red Row 15
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a Text Block shortcode
16. Red Row 16
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
• This column contains Contact Form 7
17. Red Row 17
• It has a Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns
• Each column contains a Noo Information shortcode
Choose Style: The style controls position of each contact information. It can be Left or Center
Icon: Click the arrow to choose an icon
Name: give a name to each contact information section , for example, we have address, email, hotline, etc
Description: give more specific contact information
Red Row 14, 15, 16 and 17 constitutes Contact page:

18. Red Row 18
• It has
Row shortcode whose style is one column
• The column contains a
Noo Appointment. This shortcode only has an option:
Select Contact Form: opt a Contact form you created in
Admin panel> Contact> Contact Forms
Note: To see Appointment form, please scroll the mouse down to bottom of the page and click on Book Appointment tab on the right side.
Display of this shortcode on
Home One Page: