Good evening. I have a problem with my site.
Today I published a job opportunity on a website for a company, and some people sent out CVs. I realized that the email I sent to receive the CVs was receiving the CVs before I even approved it in my admin panel.
I will try to explain some more below.
Example this vacancy:
This vacancy was sent by min, but the email that will receive the resumes will be the one in the image:
When someone sends the curriculum for this position above, I believe that I should have my approval manually by "site administrator" to evaluate and analyze the curriculum, here in this part is the problem.
When the person sends the resume to the job vacancy the employer of the email see the image: he receives the confirmation email along with the email before even analyzing and approving the curriculum is not it wrong?
Because at my point of thinking I think I should decide if I will release the resume to the employer or not, you can help me, I have this problem for 1 month.